Descriptive Statistics is a term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, data in a meaningful way such a way that patterns can emerge from the data but simply it is a way to describe the data (Lund, 2013). Venkataraman (2015) uses a descriptive statistics to acquired data...
I believe that the descriptive statistics in “The Relationships among Anxiety, Anger, and Blood Pressure in Children” sufficiently describes the major key variables and background characteristics of the sample. It shows that 264 children from grades kindergarten to sixth were recruited from 5 different schools. It also states that though...
The ANOVA test was the hardest part of topics learned in class throughout the course. Thus, when preparing for the exams, I knew well that I needed to master the principles of the Analysis of variance to increase my chances of passing. The ANOVA encompasses a great deal of subtopics...
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