Employees are an asset that propels the success of a business to reach greater heights. As such, it is important that the organization recognizes this factor and handles its employees with the worth they are. Most companies that come out successful never miss mentioning the contribution of their workforce. This is because they understand the concept of giving to receive. Companies that mind about the welfare of their workers have always had an easy time when it comes to staff discipline and motivation (Daft, 2014). Employees who work for organizations that recognize their efforts, mind about their general welfare such as health and happiness, encourages them to become better people by offering career advancement programs such as training or even furthering their education, as well as giving them ownership of the company are marked as dedicated and willing to go an extra mile for the sake of the success of the business (Daft, 2014).

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Starbucks and employee engagement
Starbucks brags a rich heritage of sharing great coffee that is made to be enjoyed amongst friends with the aim of making the world better (Starbucks, 2017). The company is also an employer of nearly 200,000 employees and is recognized for its leadership role towards the workforce. Starbucks Corporation specializes in coffee but also serves other beverages including accompaniments. The company records impressive returns due to a number of factors which include quality and a cozy ambiance (Verasai, 2014). Another element is employee engagement. The organization is known for its leadership approach which involves employee engagement, which has led to a satisfied and motivated workforce. For this reason, Starbucks has been named as the 11th best corporation to work for by the Fortunes Magazine in 2005 (Verasai, 2014). According to Howard Schultz, the company’s CEO, the corporate’s endurable advantage is in its relationship with its people as well as its culture (Verasai, 2014).

Starbuck’s strategy
Starbucks uses motivation as the key strategy to winning employee satisfaction. Since the company acknowledges the value of its workers, it ensures to treat them with respect and worth (Gartner, 2017). To win their dedication, the firm employs an employee interactive structure that works toward employee improvement and growth. Managers handle the general workforce as equal workers who the company refers to as partners (Daft, 2014). Managers and members of staff have an exceptional relationship that sees them collaborating well with those in the front line. This helps managers to uphold an adept management system. Besides, this approach also helps to create a close and comfortable environment (Daft, 2014). This way, workers are able to enjoy their jobs in high spirits, a contagious attitude that is passed on to their customers (Gartner, 2017).

A deeper look at this concept
The term partner that is used to refer to the general workforce gives workers a degree of ownership of the business (Daft, 2014). The generous perks the management offers leaves them feeling the need to give their best in their roles (Gartner, 2017). At the same time, this term gives workers the feeling that they can collaborate freely with their managers owing to the open-door policy. Workers are also allowed to get accustomed to each other as each store only hires up to six workers (Verasai, 2014). Employees are allowed to make suggestions or complaints without the fear of criticism. The management treats all such messages with importance. Besides that, the members of staff are co-revisers of company policies with their managers (Verasai, 2014). This way, employees are given equal opportunity in making decisive decisions regarding how their company runs (Gartner, 2017). This aspect leaves them feeling ‘needed,’ an element that every worker craves for in the workplace.

The workplace and employee dedication
An employee who works in a place where they feel valued and taken care of in the right manner will always dedicate himself to the job and will be ready and willing to follow regulations and run with the mission of his employer (Daft, 2014). Not only does such a worker feel the need to report on time and do things the right way, this individual will be watchful for any irregularities or areas that need improvement and will be eager to report or make suggestions because he understands that his ideas will be well received (Daft, 2014.). A worker who can sit down with his manager and discuss his personal issues because he knows that he will find help without being victimized is someone who is willing to discuss matters pertaining to the improvement of the business (Daft, 2014). Such a worker can easily approach a leader and discuss things that do not seem okay in his eyes or what he thinks the manager should improve to make the organization a better place. This is the significance of engaging employees to a point where they feel they own a part of the business (Gartner, 2017). When the company records profits, the workers are sure of receiving a share as co-players in its success. Because they are included in every aspect, they feel the need to work harder to reach higher success levels (Sakellariadis, 2015). While the managers should push workers by setting goals, the workers become the ones who set goals and targets for themselves because they have become their own leaders.

Indeed, recognizing the asset employees are to a company is important for the success of a business (Daft, 2014). Starbucks is one such company that recognizes the value of its workers and incorporates them into some of its decision-making processes (Daft, 2012). In so doing, it includes them in the daily operation of its shops. This is the reason why it is a success story in the industry as many businesses seek to emulate its leadership style with the hope of reaping similar rewards from their employees.

  • Daft, R. & Marcic, D. (2012). Understanding Management. Australia Brazil: South-Western College Pub.
  • Daft, R. (2014). The Leadership Experience. Australia: South-Western College Pub.
  • Gartner, J. (2017). Employee Engagement: A Little Book of Big Ideas. S.l.: TinyBig Books. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sophie-sakellariadis/making-sure-the-cup-stays_b_7935760.html/
  • Sakellariadis, S., Cole, A., and Stein, J. (2015). Making Sure the Cup Stays Full at Starbucks: Leveraging Narratives from Glassdoor.com to Improve Recruitment and Retention
  • Starbucks. (2017). Company Information. Retrieved from https://www.starbucks.com/about-us/company-information
  • Verasai, A. (2014, December 25). A Starbucks Turnaround Success Story. Retrieved from The HR Digest: https://www.thehrdigest.com/starbucks-turn-around-success-story/