There are many things that should be put into consideration while dealing with the sorting algorithm. Some of the significant things that must be reviewed include and are not limited to the amount of time, t that is needed to sort specific elements and the underlying complexity a given presented case. In this instance, the insertion algorithm will be an ideal technique that can be implemented to sort a hand of cards manually because it represents a simple sorting technique that works similarly to the way people sort playing cards.
The sorting algorithm is especially useful because I will be dealing with a small data set (Weiss, 2011). The adaptive nature of the technique will imply that it will provide me with a remarkable basis for reducing the total number of steps if it happens that a partially sorted array is given as an input. Moreover, the algorithm is generally stable with less space complexity implying that it cannot alter the relative order of equal elements (Kocher & Agrawal, 2014).
Thus, in this case, the algorithm for the insertion sort can be applied through a number of steps. To begin with, I will start with a void left hand in what can be considered as a sorted array whereby the cards on the table are made to face down in an unsorted array. Next, I will eliminate or do away with one card from the unsorted array that is on the table a single time and then make sure that it is placed into an appropriate position on the sorted array in the left hand. I will then make sure that the comparison is made or a line of distinction is drawn for all the cards that are in the hand beginning from right to left in a bid to ensure that the right position of the card is detected.