A clean and non-polluting energy is referred to as the renewable energy while it does not produce toxic waste or emit greenhouse gases. Alternative energy sources are vital for generating electricity considering the shrinking rates of natural resources on a global scale. Thus, the deployment of the sustainable energy sources like solar and wind energy, green and solar power, as well as hybrid systems and fuel cells is sufficient, cost-effective, and efficient (Dias 34).
The use of alternative energy sources helps national governments to achieve the set renewable energy targets and eliminate the dependence of heating systems on fossil fuels (Allen 29). In some instances, the renewable energy programs are mandatory under the national laws, while in others proclaimed energy targets serve as strategic milestones. In either case, the programs and initiatives of various scales and on all possible levels aim at increase of renewable energy sources to boost electricity supply without involvement of conventional energy resources. In particular, the renewable energy projects focus on constructing solar and wind farms to enhance the rates of renewable-based generation (Beerepoot and Marmion 11).

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The benefits are evident while the renewable energy mix attracts investment and inspires employment. The renewable energy incentives embrace national and local infrastructures from households to enormous industrial complexes. They work best in the areas where sunlight is able to generate solar power and maintain green electricity. There are many places in the world where one can see roofs with solar thermal systems or solar batteries atop. Given the infinite, non-polluting and inexhaustible nature of solar power, it serves as a 100% renewable and sustainable source of energy. In some areas it is capable of supplementing full electricity demand, while in others the effect is only partial (Wright and Hearps 55).

  • Allen, B. Reaching the Solar Tipping Point, BookSurge, Lexington, KY. 2009.
  • Beerepoot M., and Marmion A. Policies for renewable heat, OECD/IEA, Paris, France. 2012.
  • Dias, P. “Solar Thermal in Europe”, presentation at the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Roadmap Workshop, Paris, 28 April.
  • Wright, M. and P. Hearps. Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan, Energy and Research Institute, the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 2010.