One studies psychology to learn how people think. One therefore must study sociology to learn how groups behave. Everyone talks about the importance of psychology, with relation to families and work. I have seen multiple books on “dealing” with difficult people at work; they focus on the psychology of people. This is incomplete and I recognize the importance of studying sociology in order to understand how groups behave. A person may act in one manner in one situation, but a completely different manner in another. This reflects the incredibly strong influence of group interactions. Since everyone must work within groups to have a successful life, it is important to give thorough study and thought to this field. This allows the person to recognize that the group dynamic may result in favorable or unfavorable outcomes.

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People are by nature social animals. We are born into families, ideally grow up into a family and create our own family as we become adults. We also must work with others in both academic, employment and social situations. Sociology recognizes that there is a group dynamic in all of these situations. It also recognizes the tremendous influence that a social system has on the person and his or her behavior (University of North Carolina). As I wrote, ideally we grow up in families. Sadly, this does not happen for everyone. Some individuals are permanent foster children. They move from family to family, not sure of anything about their lives. This is one example of how society impacts individuals. These children often develop emotional and behavioral problems as a result.

Sociology recognizes that there is an important aspect of social commitment to each other and to ourselves. I chose to take this class because I also realize this. I hope that I can learn more about how groups impact individuals and society. I believe this will help me in my future college career and for the rest of my life.

  • University of North Carolina. “What is Sociology?” 2014. 28 August 2014.