In the fifth chapter titled, Look at MY Masculinity! Girls who act like Boys, Pascoe explores masculinity of females by breaking the chapter into various sections. The titles include, the Homecoming Queen, Embodying masculinity, Gay/Straight Alliance, The Tomboy Pasts, and Rebecca and the Basketball Girls. In the different sections, the...
Urban sprawl describes a phenomenon where increasing numbers of citizens move from rural locations to urban cities; in order to accommodate the population growth, cities will then increase in size and require additional infrastructure, land area and resources to maintain this population. This phenomenon has been observed in the United...
Women: Sexuality and Racism Brook Hall’s (2012) journal article, “Queering my Sexuality”, focuses on the elements of homosexuality and gender. This article addresses general female sexuality and the elements of coming out of the closet while at the same time being a sexual person who self-defines her sexual needs and...
The very first quote the reader arrives at in the first chapter of No Pity sets the stage for everything that will follow. It is a quote fraught with connotative difficulties for the typical reader: “Pity oppresses” (Shapiro, 1993, p. 13). Though most people doubtlessly feel that pity is not...
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS, is a clinical disorder arising from consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Largely known for its physical characteristics, FAS can also cause long-term social and behavioral effects that last a lifetime. This paper will focus largely on the social and behavior effects of FAS, while touching...
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