Samples "Social Networks" (Page 5)

Social Networks

Facebook vs. Twitter

The internet has radically changed our world over the last two decades. But no internet technology has arguably been as impactful as the social media. It is hard to imagine an aspect of our personal and professional lives that has not been affected by the social media. When we think...

1190 words | 5 page(s)
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Is Facebook Making Us Jealous and Lonely?

Facebook is a form of social media that is really popular nowadays in Western Countries and probably also you reading this essay have an account. This essay is going to speak about a big issue that is underestimated nowadays, and could damage relationships between people in mainly three aspects in...

1163 words | 5 page(s)
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The Problems with New Social Technologies

I remember very clearly the first time that I thought maybe smartphones and Facebook aren’t good things for us. I was having dinner with an acquaintance of mine, and I thought he was a very interesting person and would be good to get to know. He had a lot of...

1015 words | 4 page(s)
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