In the United States, racial discrimination has been prevalent in the country against the minority races such as Asians and the African Americans. However, relevant progress has been made through rising social movements and the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King as an advocate for the liberation of the blacks. He gave his famous speech entitled, “I have a dream,” as a way to express his desire to see America as a country rise from the dark ages of racial discrimination. In the 19th century, the idea of progress formed in the entire society. However, the Native Americans and the immigrants perceived the progress in America through different lenses. In America, sufficient progress has been achieved towards the achievement of social justice for Africa Americans.

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In the history of America, many individuals had a perception of America being a fairly racist union. Racial discrimination was prevalent in the workplace, society, and schools because of a strong barrier between the whites and other races. A significant number of whites had a belief that the African Americans were not equal to other races. During that period, it was difficult for the blacks to live freely in the country and even more challenging for them to secure a job. In the poem titled “We Wear The Mask”, Dunbar writes on the kind of torture that exist against the black. In the poem, the mask is used symbolically to show how individuals hide their true feelings through a false expression. Besides, the poet reacts to the racial climate in the 19th century by referring to hypocrisy and deception. In following years, people started changing their perceptions about the black community and the whites developed the perspectives that they were not superior to other races. As a result, slavery was abolished in the country and the minority races started having an access to equal opportunities for employment just like the whites.

In the year 1865, the 13th amendment of the constitution prohibited any form of slavery in America. In addition, the 14th amendment defined the citizenship of America on the basis of birth and not race, and all individuals were guaranteed equal protection before the law. As a result, the conditions for the Africans Americans improved. The 15th amendment of the constitution prevented the states from denying people the right to vote based on their race or previous conditions. Consequently, the improvements developed a more just society as a progress from the previous forms of segregations in America. In less than a decade after Supreme Court declared that no Africans Americans could become citizens, the first blacks were elected to the congress.

Progressivism as one of the reforms in the tradition has focused on addressing issues in the society such as corruption, racial and gender inequalities, and other forms of injustices in the society. The process was established on the foundations of labor movements, civil rights, and democracy for the people of America. They challenged the government to eliminate all forms of discrimination and social injustices. As a result, the blacks and other minority races were able to access rights and privileges just like the whites. After winning the election in the year 2008, Barack Obama recognized the blacks in his victory speech as an indicator of the progress of the blacks in having a status among the whites (The Guardian 6). In the speech, he said that taking the position as a president would bring a new change to America.

A significant number of Americans say that a lot of progress has been achieved towards the achievement of racial equality since the declaration by Martin Luther King that justice and brotherhood would prevail. In addition, the advocate for human rights declared that individuals would be no longer judged based on the color of their skin but on the basis of their character. The blacks and the whites have reached an agreement that the two races are progressing well and that the system of criminal justice treats the minority races equally. Angelou in her poem shows the progress of black women (Angelou 6). In the past black women had no chance to access education or publish poems. Angelou however gets over the racial segregation and writing that she is able to rise.

In conclusion, the relationship between races has achieved tremendous progress in America with a reduction in the racial inequalities that was prevalent in the history of America. After the abolition of slavery, the living conditions of Africans Americans have improved such as having an access to the rights to vote and equal opportunities of employment for all. In addition, the gaps in education that were prevalent in the history of America have been closed. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments of the constitutions have improved the status of minority races through the abolition of the social injustices that were prevalent in the society.