In today’s world, bullying is one of the most popular diseases that most high school students go through. In some cases, bullies are termed as endangered species who ridicule other students, just for the sake of fun. Even though life is not only supposed to be a journey, but also a tough fight, not all students can fight. Students, especially those who are not humble, always try to harm others so that they can lower their dignity and influence in their school life. Precisely, bullying can be likened to ragging whereby students with high profile or superiority complex scoff at the meek students. In carrying out a research on the analysis of bullying, one will have to follow some fundamental steps.
The first step in a student’s guide to research in the analysis of bullying involves the selection of a topic. The focus of this topic should be related to violence and bullying prevention that can be done through human rights education. Human rights can be defined as a basic set of guarantees protection that protects a person or a group of people from actions of other people that are likely to interfere with not only their fundamental freedoms and rights, but also human dignity. The prime reason for carrying out this research should be to gain information on violence and human rights, address concerns and aid people make wise decisions on actions that they take. Collection of data is the second step. In order to correctly and effectively collect data, much emphasis should be given to peers, especially high school student. The method of collecting data can either be qualitative or quantitative, depending on the needs of the research.

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While qualitative is all about finding out peoples’ idea, experiences and opinions on bullying, quantitative research deals with the amount or percentage of the information to be researched on. The next step is the analysis of the data collected so that themes can be identified and a conclusion about the research made. The final step in a student’s guide to research in the analysis of bullying involves the reporting of the results which is normally a summarized report of the analysis of bullying. This information is important as it will play a major role in determining the actions to be taken with regards to bullying.

Often, we normally come across news that not only showcases the effects of bullying in high schools, but also its side effects, particularly on the harmed students. Among high school students, there are a number of bullying that is experienced by students, including; hitting, teasing, spitting, or even embarrassing other students publically. In most cases, if not all, such actions are likely to assault one’s dignity. In addition to that, the effect of bullying can have a negative effect on a student’s academic work. In some instances, some students have committed suicide due to bullying.

Additionally, bullying not only harms a student’s physical being, but also his or her emotional and social life. Just like its effects, the causes of bullying usually vary from one case to another. For instance, an assault may due to personal reasons. In other cases, it may be as a result of jealous or it may depend on the family background of the bullies. In most cases, such families are considered dysfunctional because they are not interested in knowing their children daily school activities.

Ignorance leads to fear, while fear brings about dogmatism. Carrying out extensive education on bullying is the best way to find for a lasting solution. Both parents and teachers should work together so that cases of bullying can be avoided. Students too should not be left behind. They should be educated on the importance of respecting other people rights and handling them with dignity. Time is of essence in solving this issue because in some cases, the consequences of bullying are too hard to bear.