The national policy priority has been on making sure a success in the self-employment of service-disabled veterans. This success can be achieved through entrepreneurship, enabling business partnerships with federal government and military agencies among other provisions. Some legislative policies have been made to allow and promote procurement assistance for the service-disabled veterans seeking to be self-employed (Russell, 2016). The Congress has therefore made some reservations for the service-disabled veterans that will enable them to grow their establishments and become stable.

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These programs have proven to be essential for those small businesses that would like to prosper businesswise as it would offer greater opportunities to veterans (Russell, 2016). The programs give an edge for competitive advantage to small veteran businesses over large stable organizations as it allows procuring entities to award contracts solely to the small service-disabled veteran firms (Russell, 2016). In this essay, we shall discuss, review and evaluate some of the programs that have been set aside by the Congress and the benefits that they posse to the small companies over large multinational organizations.

One of the programs that the Congress has made available to the service-disabled veteran small businesses includes the SBA financial assistance program (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). This program ensures that the companies receive funding to enable them to sustain the contracts awarded and have enough financial power. The small business act aims at ensuring that the small businesses of disabled veterans have the funding that allows them to grow their investments and improve the financial status of the entity at large (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). The Congress has therefore made it easy for veterans to acquire loans that can be used in purchasing equipment, offices, expansion and other assets. Small businesses, therefore, have the advantage to benefit from this program in gaining access to capital. The federal government grants partial authority to SBA to offer loans through the government’s credit unions and other financial partners. With this program, therefore, my company will be able to easily get the finance needed for expanding my business and buying the necessary technology. This is because the program would have relieved me from the tedious traditional loaning procedures.

Another program that my business tends to benefit from the enactments of the Congress is the entrepreneurial development through educational training and mentorship programs (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). The federal government has therefore developed a program through the SBA to give free training and advice to service-disabled veterans and other small businesses all over the United States. This program has helped over one thousand small businesses to develop and become one of the best companies. This program will help me in developing best strategies and improving my decision-making skills hence being among the world class service provider firm.

Another program created by Congress to benefit the small businesses is the ease of government contracting program. This program allows the department of defense to restrict competitive bidding in an attempt to create an enabling environment for small businesses that may be less fortunate compared to other firms (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). The Congress made a provision that made sure that 23% of all contracts are given to small businesses with an aim to empower them so that they can develop the businesses. The enactment also made sure that 3% of the contracts are awarded to the disabled-veteran owned businesses (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). This is where my company comes in since it has been provided for the three percent, it means that my business can have a chance to be contracted to offer security contracts. With the advantage at hand, the program will enable my company to is accorded consideration as a first priority. My company may, therefore, win the tender to supply the remote control aircraft and other weapon technologies (Kidalov & Lee, 2015). The small business act was also made in a manner that it advocates for the small businesses. An office of the advocacy was created to demonstrate to Congress the status of the small businesses.

The government enacted these programs to enable the small business to have an equitable competitive environment with large organizations that have built their operation base (Bousquet, 2015). It also aimed at ensuring that the small companies compete favorably for all kinds of business contracts without feeling that they are deprived of the chance. Since the inception of this program, the small businesses have recorded a significant improvement, proving that they reap the benefits over large organizations (Bousquet, 2015). By enabling the small businesses to have access to the government contracts, their capital base is increased hence making them be better placed in the competitive market. In addition to the provision of capital and contracts to small businesses, the government has also devised a way that ensures that they receive information that will help them in advancing their investments hence achieve an equitable ratio (Bousquet, 2015).

With my passion for building remote-controlled aircraft, my company tends to benefit from the program over large companies like Lockheed Martin. With a series of benefits in place for disabled veteran-owned businesses, I can easily access capital through nontraditional loaning procedures set aside for businesses like mine. With a strong capital base, I could easily outshine the large corporations. I would fall into the category of the 23% allocated for small businesses and still eligible for allocation of contracts by virtue of the 3% allocated for veteran-owned businesses. A combination of the two gives an advantage over the large companies since competing with them is no longer a guarantee.