Abuse may be presented in various forms; physical abuse and in some other circumstances subtle abuse. In the case of subtle abuse, it takes the form of a less physical approach and is directed to the emotional state of the victim. Subtle abuse is more exhibited in a workplace environment. In a workplace environment, subtle abuse may be used in many ways especially as a form of intimidation of other employees. Such abuse may have an effect on the employees and in doing so such information is vital to any human service practitioner so as to direct them to the right medical professional for assistance.
Ina workplace environment, subtle abuse may be present in a number of ways including verbal abuse, humiliation, and dominants behaviours. Verbal use can be done in a number of ways. In any verbal abuse, cursing and swearing are normally present and are used to intimidate fellow employees into doing what the abuser wants. Humiliation is another form of subtle abuse. The abuser humiliates another employee in front of others and does this to make others know that such an incident may happen again if his or her directives are not followed. in the case of dominant behaviours, the abuser inserts his dominance on the other person by letting them know that they are the ones in charge. As a result of subtle abuse, a majority of workers have resigned from their respective places of work.
As a human service practitioner, having knowledge that someone goes through subtle abuse is very key. One of the responsibilities of a human service practitioner is to assess the client’s needs for accessibility of services. Once a human service practitioner has the knowledge of an alleged subtle abuse, he or she can give the right directions in terms of the services that are required for the particular client.
In summary, abuse occurs in different forms not necessarily physical abuse. Subtle abuse is very dominant in the workplace. In addition to that, human service practitioners should have the knowledge so as to give the required services.