One’s career is highly dependent on the attitudes that one possesses as well as one’s personal attributes. The attitudes and attributes determine the things that one values most as well as the interactions that one develops in the society. The attitudes also determine the way that one handles different situations and the reactions that one reacts under different conditions of physical and emotional strain. One’s attributes, on the other hand, describe the characteristics of that individual. Furthermore, one’s attributes affect one’s life choices and the progress that one makes in one’s career. This self-assessment focuses on my three main classifications of attributes namely conventional, enterprising and realistic.

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I am an enterprising individual, meaning that I am willing and prepared to take risks to further my career. I evaluate the different situations available and choose the situation that would generate the highest reward even where such an option carries the highest risk. However, I can recognize situations where such risk cannot be avoided and ignore such an option. Furthermore, by being enterprising, I spread my influence to other individuals. Such influence includes individuals who are lower ranking than me as well as those above me. Therefore, I become an important part of any group that I join and make a significant contribution towards furthering of group goals. Additionally, an enterprising attribute also means that I recognize status. Such status includes the ranks in a group or an organization. I follow the right protocol set out in an organization and respect the ranks of those individuals who rank higher or below me.

Nevertheless, I am also willing to work hard to raise my status in the group. Furthermore, I possess strong persuasion skills. I can shift people from their point of view to view different situations from my perspective. The good persuasion skills also make me an ideal employee in the marketing or sales department of any organization. The organization would benefit from my input as I would attract more customers to the organization to purchase the goods or services offered by the organization. Additionally, being enterprising also means that I can manage information flow within the group such that information is only disclosed to those individuals in the group who need it. Such information includes both horizontal communication between employees at the same level in the organization and vertical communication between employees at different levels.

Secondly, I am a realistic individual. I recognize practical situations. The aspect means that I fit into any situation despite the difficulty of the situation. I adapt to the given situation. Given a difficult task, I choose that solution that is the most practical and adapt to it. I also possess good speaking skills meaning that I can change others to view things from my perspective. Furthermore, I can coordinate different individuals in a group to perform tasks that lead to the realization of a common group goal even where such activities are diverse and unrelated. As such, I have good leadership qualities. When being a leader of a group, I recognize individual qualities and skills and individuals and am assign these individuals to those tasks that at which they would perform at their optimum level. Subsequently, I motivate such a group to perform at their highest level of efficiency, and such a factor leads to the building of the team spirit in the group. The practical realization of each’s strengths and weaknesses in the group helps all individuals appreciate their self-worth to the group. Furthermore, I possess good motivational skills, and I inspire those that I am n charge off to recover from mistakes even where such individuals think that such a mistake would be impossible to correct. In motivation, I am a good motivational speakers, and I can convince a group to work together towards a common goal even where such a group comprises of different individuals regarding the character or the backgrounds from which they come.

Lastly, I also possess a conventional characteristic, meaning that I can handle ordinary tasks the right way without supervision. I function well both in a group and as an individual. I am systematic. Therefore, I handle different tasks following the right procedure and according to the priority of those tasks. I can write clear and concise reports on different tasks. Furthermore, accuracy as a personal attribute means that the different reports that I prepare detail the different tasks, results and procedures in clear details without omissions or exaggerations. Despite my differing opinions from those of others on the way that different tasks should be accomplished, I can follow the given guidelines and fit into the situation as required.

In conclusion, I possess several varied attributes that make me an ideal employee to have in differet work environments. My ability to work both in a team as well as individually enables me to perform tasks that contribute towards the realization of the company’s mission. An organization needs both teamwork and individual efficiency to realize its objectives for different tasks. Furthermore, the organizations also perform different tasks that either require group work or individual skills from the workers and I fit into both the individual and team situations. Additionally, good leadership skills, vocal skills, and motivational attributes make me a good leader. I can coordinate activities in a group despite the different characteristics of the group members. I can inspire individuals in groups to set aside personal differences between them and work as a single unit towards the realization of a common goal.