AbstractLeadership is a term used to describe the best management style. Individuals have elicited various ways to display leadership in the past, which to a large majority seems like exemplary power. However, as seen in the paper, leadership does not require special skills but rather knowledge, empathy and a strong sense of conviction to run an organization. As such, the paper will detail the results of a leadership and innovation assessment and gauge the writer’s relevance to attaining a leadership position. Moreover, there are various leadership practices focused on that lead to effective work completion. In addition to this, various discovery methods discussed highlight the importance of innovation to a leader. In this way, the paper details the manner in which a person aspiring to be a leader should behave in a group setting since their behavior can be deemed an example of how individuals within the organization conduct themselves.

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Relevance of Assessment to Support Organizational Innovation
Every individual has the potential to be a leader. However, a large number of people are denied this opportunity as they fail to grasp the relevance of being a leader, focusing on individual needs rather than the general environment they are charged with. It is common to hear the phrase ‘Anyone can be a manager, but not everyone can be a leader’. Therefore, leaders possess intricate characters that differentiate them from other individuals. A thorough analysis of one’s competencies and weaknesses plays a huge role in the development of effective skills and traits, necessary for an individual to be considered a leader. In this nature, the focus is on the writer, where the paper aims at displaying the relevance of the individual to a leadership role.

To begin with, personality is considered as paramount to assessing the relevance of an individual to a leadership role. I scored 10 out of 12 possible points on the aptitude tests, which included a description of both innovative tendencies found in individuals, and execution traits that define great leadership. As such, it is possible for improvement in my leadership traits, which claim that innovation and execution are attributes attained as one progresses with life.

Firstly, I have a strong conviction, such that I am unlikely to deviate from a set plan regardless of issues that lead to an individual going astray in terms of work. In this way, I am well equipped to handle a project and ensure that it is done to completion. While the work may be done, it is also important to consider the approach taken in the development of a project. In the past, I have elicited a flexible attitude, where I do not consider the ‘only’ way to conduct an activity but rather the ‘best’ way to do it. In this way, I am better enabled to handle problems that arise, as I understand the dynamics involved in project formulation (Adair, 2007). I have beaten many deadlines in my pursuit for effective ways to deal with problems. For example, rather than perform an action based on established protocols that could take a lot of time, I devised a method to conduct similar actions using less time.

Nevertheless, I have learned of various weaknesses that may hinder both personal and professional development. For instance, my attitude towards new problems is significantly negative. While I have a task at hand, I am less likely to concentrate on other problems that manifest in the workplace. Concentration is important for the fruition of a goal. However, it is important to come up with varying solutions to different problems since the eradication of an issue may result in a subsequent elimination of other issues. This phenomenon has in the past affected my overall performance since lack of a solution to issues lowers one’s self-esteem in the workplace. I noticed that my productivity reduced because of low self-esteem with my contribution to the organization being deemed lower during this period. As such, the determination of proper modes of solving problems aids in the development of higher levels of self-esteem and consequently a better work attitude (Adair, 2007).

Leadership practices
I have had an opportunity to work in an organization where leadership has been seen as critical to the overall success of operations. However, I did not have a leadership position as I joined the workforce. The first leadership practice that I viewed as fundamental to the running of an organization is charismatic in nature. Our leader in the organization is charismatic; he is hands-on and always plays a role in the development of products. He is up-to-date and has good communication skills because of his continued involvement with workers and processes. In the past, charismatic leadership tendencies have enabled me to drive projects since individuals have a better understanding and view of projects when charismatic leadership is involved (MindTools, 2017). As such, it is relevant to use this leadership style to boost innovation by giving employees morale to work hard.

Innovativeness is another leadership style that has exhibited considerable success in the past. In this type of structure, a leader does not criticize errors. They learn to conduct a certain action through trial and error. Innovation is praised in the workplace in the development of a new product. There is a large investment in research and development, thereby allowing employees to come up with different forms of a product. In this way, the final product is perfectly formed as it involves all the positive aspects of thought elicited by employees while those viewed as negative are discarded.

Discovery Skills
Questioning in the workplace is a positive attribute that aids in the development of new ideas and skills. An individual who asks questions aims at developing additional skills, other than those they have exhibited at a certain point. In my experience, questioning has aided in my personal development, where I have gained additional skills from individuals with more knowledge regarding a particular field (LakeForest, 2017). To improve this skill, it is important to conduct thorough research of the phenomenon under study and thus gain the ability to question vague details.

Observation has a critical role in the development of proper organizational skills. While intricate knowledge regarding a task is important, observation of others with a certain skill can help the person gain these skills. Observation requires a lot of time as it entails developing an understanding of a particular concept based on vision. However, asking questions regarding an issue helps individuals in gaining a better understanding of the object under observation. Since some activities can be learnt via observation, I have gained additional skills based on sight and keen attention to detail. When one gauges their actions on others’, they are less likely to look for their unique method, as they do not have the fundamental information necessary to understand the issue (LakeForest, 2017).

Networking is a crucial skill needed in an organization as it aids in the development of positive relationships within the firm. A person learns to conduct various activities from individuals within their circles. Therefore, the more one discusses their thoughts and opinions regarding an issue, the more their networking skills develop. Furthermore, we have been able to come up with better products as a team rather than individually since there are varying ideas when one works with other people (LakeForest, 2017). This, however requires a lot of time as one should be ready to compromise when dealing with other individuals.

Experimenting is paramount to come up with good innovations. Individuals and companies that invest in research and development are deemed the innovators of the world. In this sense, experimentation enables an individual to realize their limits by trial and error. This discovery skill requires a lot of practice to perfect. One should also be inquisitive in nature to develop a better understanding of the parameters under investigation (LakeForest, 2017). It aids in development of a clear understanding of one’s area of expertise since there is repetition of processes.

Association entails enabling an individual to focus on their personal as well as professional development. It aids in the maintenance of a steady and satisfied workforce since the people involved are able to conduct their affairs (LakeForest, 2017). Association in teams has enabled us to work on projects effectively. Every member also contributes equally as they are given time to conduct their duties before the time set for group projects starts. In this way, there is efficient usage of time and resources. One way to hone association skills is by conducting a meeting where each member can voice their opinion on a subject of contention. Discussion aids in developing a clear path and thus can be deemed a contributor of effective association skills.

  • Adair, J. E. (2007). Develop your leadership skills. London: Kogan Page.
  • LakeForest. (2017, May 10). Five Discovery Skills that Lead to Great Innovations. Retrieved January 02, 2018, from http://www.lakeforestmba.edu/blog/five-discovery-skills-lead- great-innovations/
  • MindTools. (2017). Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking, and Positive Thinking. Retrieved January 02, 2018, from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTCS_06.htm