Cocaine Nights, by J.G. Ballard, follows Charles Prentice a he travels to Spain to investigate the involvement of his brother in the death of five people in the coastal resort Estrella de Mar. Throughout the course of his investigation, Prentice discovers that below the veneer of upper crust society there...
There are multiple factors that contributed to the United States being one of the most violent western countries. The marketing tactics used to promote aggressive behaviors; often focusing on males is problematic as it helps to promote violence. However, it could further be argued that there is an increased level...
The present study was motivated by the increased security risks affecting the aviation industry in the US. The study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of implementing security management systems in the American society’s airports relative to the prevention of aviation security threats. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research...
I do not believe that the US intelligence oversight process is sufficient. Any intelligence initiative ought to be a highly secretive procedure. Sharing the details makes such initiatives to lack meaning. The Constitution requires governmental transparency as well as the protection of the constitutional rights (Randol, 2010). This is the...
1. I foresee a possible global pandemic occurring as a result of influenza and Ebola viruses combining in the area of Africa where the current outbreak is located (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone). Many people with Ebola is this area have gone undiagnosed until death, and even if they were diagnosed,...
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