The use of Electronic Health Records is very crucial towards enhancing the quality of healthcare services. This is through assisting in reducing healthcare errors and thus enhancing security on both healthcare professionals and the patients. However, the use of these records have various challenges. One of the most common challenges includes the presence of various security issues (Thede, 2008). This refers to the unauthorized disclosure of patient information to the parties that should not receive the information. There are various strategies that have been initiated so as to safeguard security on patient information and healthcare records.

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Nurses are very important people in healthcare. This is because they are active members of healthcare service delivery and administration (Thede, 2010). Therefore, these nurses have various levels of interaction with the patients and their records. The information that these patients have access to include the raw data that they are involved in collection during medical assessment and diagnosis. They are also involved in the retrieval of healthcare information from the information systems. This occurs when an expert wants to acquire the medical history of a client. Sometimes this information can be passed from one party top another in the medical transactions among the healthcare experts (Thede, 2008). Thus, in these levels of interaction, nurses have a big role to play in promoting the security on these records.

There are various strategies that have been acquired by healthcare organizations to safeguard healthcare records. These security measures are there to assist in enhancing the level of security in the use of information systems. Each and every staff member is given a unique log in username and password which he can use the information systems. In order to enhance the level of security, these log in passwords are renewed on monthly basis. These assist to prevent people who not have accounts from gaining access to these records (Harman, Flite & Bond, 2012).

However, there are challenges that can be experienced with these information even with the presence of passwords for the information security. There are various challenges that can be experienced for these records. This is because this information can land in the hands of unauthorized users. This can be through sharing of information among the nurses. It is important that nurses uphold the integrity of patient records through disclosing the information to the healthcare professionals who are legally entitled to the information. This includes the people who actively participating in the restoration or maintenance of the health status of the patient (Thede, 2010).

The use of health information systems is directly related to various moral and ethical issues. These issues are of critical concern whenever smaller, newer and powerful technology tools are used. These tools are sometimes characterized with a lot of flexibility and portability and thus increasing challenges that may be associated with the use of these tools (Harman, Flite & Bond, 2012).. Nurses and other healthcare experts should be undertake strategic training sessions in order to familiarize them with the use of these information technology tools. Ignorance on the use of these tools can lead to numerous mistakes and bleaches on the use on the security of patient information.

Creating cultural and structural competence in an organization is very essential towards creating security on information systems and records (Harman, Flite & Bond, 2012). This can be enhanced through professional and educational development on the healthcare professionals and experts. The experts should also embrace professional moral and ethical standards (Thede, 2010). This can assist them to dignify privacy and confidentiality on the information and records of patients. Cultural competence assists in creating an environment in which respect is given to patient data and information. This can be enhanced by offering strategic orientation to new healthcare professionals in order to enhance continuity and consistency on issues related data and information security. This is also very important towards promoting personal responsibility among the experts. This is very important in promoting the quality of healthcare services.