Commercial ads tend to inform and persuade intended customers into purchasing a certain product. Once customers have seen the ad, they tend to make informed decisions on whether to buy a certain product or not. In some instances, companies make use of celebrities for the purposes of appealing to their customers in buying the product. The celebrities involved in the different ads tend to improve the company’s reputation in relation to the product as well as try to attract as many customers as possible to buy the product. In using the celebrities, certain rhetorical devices are in use to appeal to the customers that the company is trying to attract. This can be said to happen in the Justin Bieber’s Proactiv commercial ad. By doing the commercial, the rhetorical analysis indicates the use of a number of rhetorical devices in order to appeal to the customers in buying the product. The commercial effectively appeals to the intended customers by the use of pathos, logos, and ethos in an attempt to convince its customers into buying its product.

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When it comes to rhetorical analysis, the main focus is the analysis of the given text or work in question. With the rhetorical analysis, the main aim is to analyze the effectiveness of the text in terms of how persuasive the given work is to the audience. The given work under review may include either written or visual content. Both visual and written content make use of rhetorical analysis in trying to persuade the audience. The rhetorical analysis includes the detail description of how the different rhetorical appeals are used in a given context. The rhetorical appeals include ethos which tends to appeal to the use of credibility of the writer in a given work, pathos which tends to appeal to emotional appeals as well as the use of logos which tends to appeal to the reasoning of a given work. All these are in use when to comes to the Proactiv ad done by Justin Bieber.

A close examination of the Proactiv ad tends to identify and explain a number of rhetorical appeals that were in use in the ad. Among the rhetorical appeals include the use of ethos. From the ad, credibility is enhanced in a number of ways. The fact that Justin Bieber is in the commercial enhances the credibility of the ad. Justin Bieber is a well-known music artist and commands a huge following in terms of his music fans. Using him in the ad is one way of assuring the customers that the product is legit due to the simple fact that Justin Bieber agreed to be in the commercial. Apart from using Justin Bieber, the ad also mentions its founders; Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields who are dermatologists. The fact that well-known dermatologists are made the product enhances the chances of anyone in buying the product.

The ad also makes use of logos in appealing to the audience. Logos in this scenario is portrayed by the way Justin explains how the product works. In the ad, we are shown images of a person before and after using the product. The two images are different in that the image after displays an improved skin after applying the product. Pathos here applies in the sense that the audience is being lured to use the product by showing how their skins are likely to be after applying the product. The use of logos is the main selling point of the product as people tend to see what results after using the product.

In addition to the use of pathos and logos, ethos is also used in the ad. In the ad, we see that Justin’s facial expression is one which portrays a person’s satisfaction with the use of the product. Throughout the ad, Justin puts on a smiling face in order to display his emotions in regards to the use of the product. Not only Bieber’s expression is viewed, there are also the images of the different people viewed using the products. Their faces also is an indication that the product works effectively and try to persuade potential buyers into purchasing the given product.

Following the commercial, we can gauge the intended audience in terms of who is the most likely target for the product. The product is for people of all ages from the teenagers to the old. Anyone who wants to improve on their skin care can use the products to their liking. Apart from enhancing one’s beauty, the product also serves as a cure for treating certain skin conditions. Anyone who is caution with the condition of their skin is most likely to use the product in question.

Proactiv is one of the major products in the skin care industry. Founded in 1995 by a digital marketing company known as Guthy-Renker, Proactiv includes a range of products varying from hair products, skin care products, body washes as well as moisturizers. Following the commercial, Proactiv recorded massive revenues income of nearly $ 800 million. This is a clear indication that the rhetorical appeals used in the commercial ad were effective to persuade customers into buying the product.

Inconclusively, Proactiv is an American company that specializes in a range of products. In 2010 the company used Justin Bieber to do a commercial ad marketing one of its skin care products. The ad made use of a number of rhetorical appeals in an attempt to convince potential buyers into purchasing the product. Following the ad, the sales increased in regards to the particular product in question. The growth in revenue indicates the effectiveness in the use of rhetorical appeals in commercial ads. Moving forward, companies should use similar tactics for them to achieve the desired sales outcome just like Proactiv.