Daniel Siegel in his book, Brainstorm – The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain explores, the mind and behaviors of a person during his or her adolescence. In his book, he explains a number of concept among which I feel will influence my life in terms of behavior, life experience, and relational choices up to age twenty five. They include, social engagement, novelty and high emotional forces.

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Time and again, adolescence is a period that is packed with controversies and myths. However, as Siegel notes, “when we go beyond the myths, we are able to see the real truths… (4)”. The author notes that there more beyond what many people believe about teenagers. In spite of the myths, during adolescence people have the desire to try new things; search for novelty. This as Siegel says results from, “…increased drive for rewards which triggers the brain to create inner motivation to try something new and feel life more full… (6)” In my adolescence, I feel that I will be a great risk taker out of my need for newness. In that case, novelty results to adaptive as well development techniques which struggles between dependence and independence. This is the stage with a lot of openness for change. As Siegel says, “Being open to change and living passionately emerge as the search for novelty is honed into a captivation for life… (6).” With this, he means that an adolescent is always open to change which result into a more fulfilled life.

The other concept is social engagement. In different times of life, people often create new friendships while ending others. At the age of a teenager, the teenager is more socially engaged with their fellow teens. As a typical teenager, I believe this concept will affect my life experience by creating long term and supportive relationships that will form the basis for my future life. Nonetheless, it may also create a moment of struggle between morality and immorality. Siegel says, “Drive for social connection is central to the creation of supportive relationships that are predictors of well-being, endurance …. (7)”

The last concept is the improved emotional greatness. I have experienced moodiness in my past teenage life and I expect that I will continue to experience it until the age of twenty five years. Before age 25, many people experience moodiness which could affect their daily activities. However, it also results in much vigor and urge to achieve something. Siegel says, “ life lived with emotional greatness can be fill with energy, and a sense of vibrant drive that give an excitement and appetite for being alive on the planet (7).”

  • Siegel, MD D. J. Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. Gurgaon : Hachette India , 2014. Internet resource.