Just like the post sets it out, it is indeed right to acknowledge that when conducting critical reflections, there are indeed several characteristic risks and these include impostership, cultural suicide, lost innocence and incremental fluctuation. Where one risk takes place, the possibility of the others occurring is high. This is clearly set out in the post in which it is related that first, the author experienced the incremental fluctuation, which then led to lost innocence. The post clearly identifies the various factors that cause this tandem and at the same time, it recognizes the risks as part of the learning journey. However, the major question is; does mitigating or eliminating these risks improve the learning journey? According to Hughes (2013), critical reflection is an inevitable part of learning. However, these risks can be avoided and as a result, optimizing the outcomes of the learning journey.

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It is agreeable that critical reflection occurs at the individual level. However, it is debatable on the idea that such a form of critical reflection tends to cause anxiety and can be threatening to an individual’s sense of self-worth, family, and working relationship. According to Pockett and Giles (2008), self-reflection can potentially improve one’s potential in every sphere of life. The researcher gave an example of one’s learning. A person can critically reflect on his or her method of learning. This is essential as it can assist the person to establish areas of weaknesses, such as time wasting, and thereby making the appropriate adjustments. The same can be said about the workplace context. As such, an employee, after he or she finds out that they consistently conflict with others, may seek to reflect critically on their attitudes (Hughes, 2013). This can assist one to identify the conflict impetus, or what makes him or her engage in conflicts.

As a result, changes can be made effectively. Therefore, it does not necessarily mean that critical reflection on an individual level is the source of the four risks. A question that arises is; is critical reflection on a group level really safe from the four risks? The most probable answer is No.