A big factor that coincides with resistance to change is lack of communication and lack of understanding. When executives get together and create these necessary organizational changes, their reasoning’s and end vision rarely leave the room in which these decisions were originated. Often this can prove to be a vital disconnect between management and employees. This photo can be literal and symbolic.
The executive feel the green bags are better suited to serve as a parachute, however poor communication fails to share the change to the individuals who are most effective. Symbolically, it represents poorly communicated change and employees who feel that they are now free falling due to lack of understanding and direction. Employees need to feel they have a complete understanding of their position and their contribution to the company as well.

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Changing a group expectation could create a significant resistance as well. Much like this picture, failure to disclose or define the change could result in the employee’s failure to comply. “As long as group standards are unchanged, the individual will resist change more strongly the farther he is to depart from group standards. If the group standard itself is changed, the resistance which is due to the relation between individual and group standard is eliminated.” (Gallos, 2006) Gallos finds that when the group in its entirety is involved with the necessary change, the resistance clearly declines.