We welcome all the new students and thank for choosing our institution as your preferred choice. We recognize the factor that a number of institutions offer similar courses and services, but you have shown interest in joining our worthy institution. Higher education learning is a sensitive area which requires sober decisions. The management of this college strongly believes that your decision join us was made on sober grounds and the need to become helpful professionals to the society. The management of this institution would like to assure of their massive support in terms of facilities; sound learning environment and ready to listen all your concerns as students. This day marks a very important step in your professional journey. It is, therefore, important all the information picked from today�s event be of great importance to your throughout your time with us. The institution is made of a stable management with valid plans and structure to help students get better. The structure of the college provides important avenues for listening to concerns and delivery of various solutions.

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The college is also managed on a set of guidelines or rules applicable to both the students and teaching staff to ensure the much needed discipline within the college is attained. To avoid issues with the management, students are always advised to follow the set standards for smooth learning. The rules and regulation are set on the basis of professional modeling and to scare students or mere decoration. It is, therefore, out belief that you as a new student will respond positively to the guidelines to enable the management serve you in the best way possible. Based on the sensitivity of your course, new students are always called upon to have important learning equipments as stated by the teaching staff. This forms part positive learning hence students are advised to respond. You are welcomed to participate in today�s event to help you shape your future.

Supporting Opinion
Your decision to join this college is the best move in your lives, and none of you will regret have chosen our college for career development. A number of factors with our elements within this college makes it the best place to take you preferred course. To start with is our able teaching staff. The teaching staff of this college is built around high professional and ethical practices. This implies we do not operate on commands to the students but democratic environment to steer good teacher student relationship. It is important to take note of then fact that a number of institutions have failed to produce professionals due to poor teacher student relationship. Based on this the management of the college has an accurate structure and plan to promote good teacher student relationship. Part of the plan and structure is good reporting channels. Most students have been victims of poor education due lack of reporting channels. In some cases, teachers or tutors have failed to attend lectures and no action is taken against such teachers. This a different case with our college as teachers are expected to remain committed towards quality student education. To achieve this, college has given students power through their representatives to pass complaints in written and oral form to the responsible officers.

The commitment rule also applies to the students who are expected to attend all the lectures. However, any case of failure attend lectures should be well communicated to the responsible officer and the tutor. The college is dong this to ensure students get value for their money. Part of the college�s quality education structure is the most important facility which is the library. This college has spent huge amount funds to ensure student get modern library services. The college�s library is ranked among the best in terms of equipments and service. To improve the quality of it library, the college has deployed both physical and online library services. The online services are meant to ensure student access library materials from anywhere (Exploring the Digital Library 12).

The college registers both local and international students. Based on this the management has a better plan to improve international student. The trainees of the program will be both students and teachers. The students must be the international students pursuing their studies in foreign countries (Wagner & Yeong 11-15. They must be students whose English standards have satisfied the courses or the subjects they are undertaking or pursuing. They should be those who are ready and willing to improve their English standards or skills. On the other hand, teachers should be those who handle international students besides being ready and willing to learn new expertise or improve their skills in handling foreign or international students. This training will primarily focus on to improving English standards of foreign students by promoting learning in which communicative and interactive strategies are applied (Bamford 13).

The main objective of this training is to learn a number effective ways of improving international students� English language standards. At the end of the training session, the cognitive objective is that there should be an improvement of English standards of the international students. Moreover, the affective objective of this training program is that all students involved in the training session are expected to develop positive attitudes towards learning or improving their English skills. Tutors or teachers should be able to assess and gain clear picture of the stages of English language capability besides the understanding of the students.

Learning is a gradual process which requires quality delivery from the college�s management. Based on our facilities, we are confident that our entire new student will come out of this place fully qualified and ready to serve the community.

  • Bamford, J 2008, Strategies for the Improvement of International Students� Academic and Cultural Experiences of Studying in the UK.
  • Wagner, M., & Yeong, R 2013, Stress, Sleep, Grief: Are College Students Receiving Information That Interests Them?. College Student Journal, 47(1), 24-33.
  • Wolverton, M. (2013). CHASING SLUMBER. Psychology Today, 46(5), 70-77.
  • Exploring the Digital Library: A Guide for Online Teaching and Learning, Epub Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2009. Print.