There are various techniques that one can implement to ensure that his/her communication is received as intended to the receiver. First, you need to be brief and specific. Make sure that your communication is as short as possible without leaving any content out. Consequently, you should ensure that your message is concise, clear, coherent, complete, courteous, concrete, and correct to the receiver. Second, avoid distractions. Distractions such as taking a call while communicating to someone can drag your attention away. Hence, you should try as much as possible to put away the distractions to ensure that the receiver gets the message that you intended to deliver (Barker, 2010).
Apart from being brief and avoiding distractions, you should also avoid the unnecessary communication fillers. Adding things like um’s and ah’s in your communication implies that you are not confident and can make the receiver lose focus on you. Therefore, it is advisable that you relax to ensure that your message is received clearly to your audience. Nevertheless, you should be careful with your body language. For example, you can emphasize on your points by deploying body language to catch the attention of the receiver. Contrary to that, you should handle one communication at a time. Consequently, multi-tasking is good but your message is likely to be clear to the receiver if you concentrate one conversation first before moving to the next. Finally, you should maintain eye contact with the receiver to determine whether they are listening to you or not (Barker, 2010).

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The common communication barriers that are likely to interfere with communication include; emotional barriers, for example, one may find it difficult to sail through a certain communication topic without getting emotional. Furthermore, the use of jargon is also a communication barrier, for example, using complicated terms that are not familiar to the user. Cultural differences are also communication barriers; for example, using certain norms during communication can create differences in your listeners’ perceptions about you. Contrary to that, a language difference is also a communication barrier, for example, the use of a language that cannot be understood by your listeners will prove it difficult for them to understand your message. Finally, physical disabilities can also create communication barrier, for example, hearing problems (Gopal, 2009).


  • Barker, A. (2010). Improve your communication skills (Rev. 2nd ed.). London: KoganPage.

  • Gopal, N. (2009). Business communication. New Delhi: New Age International.