Book Summary
The book covers the reconstruction era in America during the years in the nineteenth century and reveals the actions that were done to attain equality of the northern and southern parts of the country. Particularly he focusses on the reconstruction of the southern black people who had experienced oppressions ever since the slave trade era. The northerners were selfish and perceived the southerners who are black Americans as unable to rule themselves. Overturning these setting required continuous reforms some of those developed by the Dunning school although lacked the ideals to lead to radical transformations for the southerners such as in issues of education and politics. Reforms for the southerner were influenced by perception that were black people and hence were uneven and were seen in the issues of labor such as the abandonment of free labor.

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Nevertheless, strong reconstruction activities occurred in the 1860s. During this period, the blacks benefited from the civil rights championed by the republicans. The northerners were discontented with this move and criticizing the government for favoritism in the reconstruction. The new leadership in early 1870s involved increased violence and unfavorable political activities towards the blacks. Following this period, expansion of the votes for the southern parts was rejected and the Democrats rejected involvement in common elections due to voting problems. The administration barred the blacks and elections were associated with corruption. This period of reconstruction, however, Foner urges that it led the increased power of the people in the state matters for the purposes of protecting people’s rights.

Critical Analysis
From the work of Foner several main issues emerge out of the reconstruction period in America. Foner shows that the reconstruction period was largely dominated by the perception of the black people that came from the southern parts of America. The main players during this period were thus the blacks and reforms undertaken sought to bridge the wide gap that existed between that white and black Americans. He argues that the period was also not approached from the side of the white people and that the reforms did not aims to benefit the northerners by great. Following this, the reconstruction was misunderstood and the white people felt were being subjected into injustices. However, he shows the need for non-linear perspectives in the entire reconstruction practices.

Foner also highlights the difficulties experienced in reconstruction of the labor issues. He argues that the ideology surrounding the free labor was contradictory and limited since would be ignored when political actions were imposed to determine its applicability. This was due to the fact that it favored the people in the southern America who have les political representation. The efforts on labor were thus not adequately dealt with and led long-lasting concerns. He points out that the labor issues were raised before and after the civil rights were introduced before 1970. Forte also aimed at showing the emergence of activism especially in the northern states. He indicates that the states and the nations were dragged into activism lobbying for equal rights for the people. Another argument raised by the author surround the lack of uniformity in reshaping the society in the northern states. This is due to the varied perceptions of the whites and the black.

Importance of the Book
This book has importance to the readers since it provides insights of the activities and issues that took place during the reconstruction of the United States. This was an important period of reforms in the history of America and people would like to understand how it was conducted and would recommend the book to other people. It highlights the main events that occurred to the southerners who are observed as strugglers for equitable privileges as enjoyed by the northerners as people of one country as and united with one government. The book provides details of social and political arena during this time that influenced the development and implementation of the reforms. Moreover, the book highlights the difficulties imposed by the white people on their black counterparts. These problems are of interest since forms would show the problems that would be experienced among the white and black people in national social agendas. The southern and northern parts would present opposing concerns to that require development of neutral conclusions to ensure the people remain united.

Another reason for reading this book is the provision the background understanding that laid foundation to the favorable co-existence and harmony between the northerners and southerners who initially held different ideology about the other. The book also gives that failures of activities set in the reconstruction agenda and have not been adequately attained in the present America society. The failures in the reconstruction would be an eye opener to future developments that would influence the status of life in the U.S such as the labor issues that are still experienced. The differences in labor laws during the reconstruction may also explain the high levels of poverty and employment among blacks that in whites.

  • Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. HarperCollins. 2011. Print.