Theoretical review
Research reveals that Africans and Latinos are more harshly treated by the police and are given more cruel sentences in comparison to the white counterparts. In this case, the increase in Latino population, notably in the Southern States, comes with discrimination in the criminal justice system.
Working Hypothesis:
Racial discrimination in the criminal justice has led to racial disparities among very countries in the world. Some of the effects are; Mistrust in the administration of justice.
Alternative Hypothesis:
Most countries have no confidence in the system of Justice Administration System as a result, more inter-racial and conflicts are observed.
Null Hypothesis:
Racial profiling among other aspects has resulted in a higher criminal record especially in the more favoured races based on the fact that no serous punishments are imposed on them.
Literature reviews from various sources support this argument. Demographic information shows that the black discrimination rates are relatively high similar to those of the Latinos. Ritter (2017) suggests that the rate of violence is high especially to blacks and Latinos border America. However, we see that Latino homicide rates are less along the border, even though only marginally, as compared to the no-border counties (John, 2012). According to the empirical evidence, we cannot argue that communities around the border contribute to high levels of violence in the US (Jacob et al., 2012).
Racial discrimination is very common in the criminal justice system. Most of the races which suffer racial discrimination are the blacks and the Latinos. The research aim at presenting an overview of the Latino’s encounter with the United States Criminal Justice system. We examined racial and ethnic disparities with regard to incarceration and sentencing. This research will highlight the exploitation of the Latino American immigrants.
- Ritter, J. (2017). How do police use race in traffic stops and searches? Tests based on the observability of race. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 135, 82–98.
- Jacob, I., Martinez, R., Cancino, J. (2012) Latino Crime and Latinos in the Criminal Justice System: Trends, Policy Implications, and Future Research Initiatives. Race Soc Probl, 4:31–40
- John, D. (2012). Marquez La tinos as th e “Livin g D ead”: Raciality, expendability, and border militarization Latino Studies Vol. 10, 4, 473–498