Science has shown us that: “we share a common ancestry and the differences among people are not as great as they seem” (Race, n.d.). The purpose of this paper is to explore the question of biological difference, and whether the concept of race has any scientific validity.Our human history which is influenced by culture, government and science, has contributed to peoples views on race (RACE, n.d.). In 1998, the American Anthropological Association published a statement on race in line with: “contemporary thinking and scholarly positions of a majority of anthropologists” (American Anthropological Association, n.d.).
It could be said that if everyone was brought up in an identical environment, then any difference among them could be linked to genetics (Cartmill, Matt, N.d). There has been interbreeding from different groups throughout human history, and the constant intermixing of genes has been responsible for keeping one species of all of humankind. Further, within geographical areas, variations in the physical appearance of any particular trait normally takes place very slowly. Moreover, as people’s physical attributes are independently inherited from each other, the knowledge of one spectrum of traits cannot the foresee others. That is to say, the color of peoples’ skin varies greatly from dark in the southern tropical areas, to light in the northern temperate areas; there is no connection to someone’s nose shape or hair texture. For example, dark skin can be linked to straight, wavy, curly, kinky or frizzy hair, aspects that are apparent in different indigenous people in tropical areas. To that end, the aforementioned research clearly indicates that trying to attribute divisional lines within biological populations is subjective and arbitrary (American Anthropological Association, n.d.).

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  • American Anthropological Association (n.d.). Retrieved from


  • Cartmill, Matt (N.d.). “The Status of the Race Concept in Physical Anthropology.” Retrieved


  • RACE (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Wayback Machine (n.d). “Race & Genetics FAQ.” Retrieved from
