Public school education in Texas emanated as a course contributed by the early settlers in Texas. The colonial government of Mexicans had failed the nation by not initiating any public school project to the people. When the country gained independence from Mexico, the settlers aired their major grievance as failure of the Mexican government to create the foundations of public school education. The people were angry at the retrogressive steps the Mexican government initiated to deprive them and their children from acquiring education (Ebscohost Lib, 33).Over the past 150 years, public school education in Texas has evolved on great transitions of academic profiles as compared to other regions of the world. The public education began by the formulation of just a law that was making it a necessity to the people and outlining the conditions upon which the businesses in the system would be run. In 1838, the president advocated for the setting aside of public land for purposes of initiating projects. The acceptance of the proposed needs to create land for public schools led to designation of three public lands by the congress of the country in order to initiate 50 public school projects on different regions. This was the basics of education in Texas (Ebscohost Lib, 35). During this time, there was no university but the government through the congress initiated projects that led to the building of public secondary and universities in different regions of Texas.
In 1845, the constitution of Texas advocated for public education and this led to the allocation of one league of land to each county for public education purposes. A bill was signed to authorize the setting up of public schools in Texas. The operations of the schools were later facilitated by the reservation of $2 million out of $10 million from the claimed property that the US paid the country. In the years that followed the state continued to advocate f or public education through enactment of laws to initiate and support the financing of public school projects. In the same year, the numbers of students in schools had increased and that each state had a percentage of 62 of students (Burrows, 52).
The public schools had increased to over 100 in the country by the year 1883. The massive support that the education sector has received in Texas has helped in the increase of students going to school. The laws enacted improved the conditions for learning in schools. Almost over 100 years, by 1983 the Texas voters casted votes to get the constitution support the allocation of funds from the budget into the education system in the country. More land has been allocated to the public school initiatives and projects in different areas in the country. From the viewing of education as foreign, schools without structures, facilities and books, currently all schools in the region receive books supplied annually. This comes from the initiative that taxes a maximum of 20 cents that directly goes to the education sector (Ebscohost Lib, 35-36).
The Milestones for the Education System in Texas
The milestones that are set to help realize the dream of better and well-managed public schools in Texas involve the legal, financial, and economic resources. The legal milestones involve the formulation and enactment of laws to support education in the region. The first education laws were enacted immediately the country got independence from Mexicans. Several laws were later enacted and all of them including the 1874 one, which spearheaded the increment in budget allocation for schools to support the foundation and guarantee growth, were inspiring the development of the sector. The education system improved and developed due to the increased allocation of funds that the laws legislated provided.
The financial milestones involve financial support that the education system received from the government, NGOs, or donors at any given time. The increase in the allocation of funds from time to time by the government and voting by the people enhanced the conditions of public school development. The education sector has received funds from grants and well-wishers, sponsors, and these have inclined the conditions of growth to the education sector (Burrows, 57).
There are several economic incentives that have been allocated to the system in order to support its operations and requirements. Lands have been allocated by the governments to aid in the foundational establishment of public education. Currently, the country contributes over 50 million acres of land for educational purposes (TBLC, 15). The economic incentives on products such as land are quite important on the process of development as land is a primary factor of production.
The Major Reforms in the system
Education in Texas began when there were no laws addressing the issues of education. Until after gaining independence, the first law on education was enacted to provide the conditions of going to school. From a point when education was inferior to all the sectors of an economy to be the most financed. The government gives portion of taxed money to the education system while as giving incentives to education system. The education system currently contributes to the development of the economy. Presently, different districts are given the authority to manage and control the operations of certain schools within their mandate. Currently one individual does not manage the schools as in the past cases. There is an increased architectural facility and improved entry points for students in the sector (Burrows, 54). The sector has increased resources for education projects, reduced intakes of students as well as teachers in the education system. The government has little control as compared to the times when it began.
The Strengths of Public Education System
The education system capacitates many students in the country to an extent that 60% of students per county. The education system has complete academic steps and profiles for instance from kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The education system in Texas has best mentoring and leadership lessons that equip the students with the necessary skills in the corporate world. The product students in Texas have better hand in the corporate world due the diversification in the courses and units offered in the public education.
The Weaknesses
There are many students not involved in the education system linking that to lack of space in sector. Most schools are sparsely located while others are clustered at the other end. The education system does not have enough professionally trained teachers due comparatively low wages in Texas. There is reading crisis in the Texas education system (TBLC, 23).
Reforms Currently Underway
Some of the reforms underway to change the course of public education in Texas involve the movement by local and political leaders from all occupations to change the education system to make students more competitive in the technological world. Another reform involves the increase of parental involvement in the education discourse in order to help in inculcating their interests and desires in the role and benefits of this system of education. This also involves the use of innovative educational practices, for instance blended learning in order to realize student advancement (TBLC, 24).
Out of these reforms, I would support the incorporation of innovative educational practices at the expense of improving the relevance on what the students learn. This is because through innovation different styles and tricks of teaching will help in equipping the students with the necessary skills required in the global information economy.
- Burrows, Alan. “School Finance And Tax Reform In Texas.” Journal Of State Taxation 33.2 (2015): 41-51. Business Source Complete. Web. 3 May 2015.
- Ebscohost Lib. “Transforming Developmental Education In Texas.” Journal Of Developmental Education 38.1 (2014): 32-36. Professional Development Collection. Web.
- Texas Business Leadership Council, (TBLC). “Education Priorities For The 83Rd Texas Legislature: Policy Recommendations For Public Education And Higher Education.” Texas Business Leadership Council (2013).