The Rwandan Civil War which took place from 1990 to 1994, was a major geo-physical force that has dramatically affected public administration in this region of the world. As a result, there have been tremendous public administration challenges faced by the country as a result of this destructive and divisive force. Indeed, even the most ambitious public management reforms were stymied by the effects of the civil war. Stability of the country’s management hung in the balance during the war years, and was followed by the RPF takeover of the government in 1994, in order to attempt to rule Rwanda in a more legitimate and effective manner (The Economist, 1998). Among the tough tasks faced by the new ruling government was the reform of the public administration system which was historically beleaguered by corruption and mismanagement.
Despite the attempted leadership reform, Rwanda continues to face severe challenges. Economic growth is constrained by inherent limits in natural resources, the country is very much trying to capitalize upon the tea and coffee industry for export purposes. Rwanda’s landlocked geography also serves to complicate matters, where the lack of ocean access is a real impediment to the reasonably priced transportation of goods for import or export. As a result of natural and imported resources, international aid is still necessary with respect to feeding the country. It is likely that the need for such aid will continue until such time that road infrastructure can be completed, and the farming community can increase its agricultural production.

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From a public administration perspective, identifying and squelching corruption may well be the critical first step to stabilizing the government, the economy, and the country’s future (Chemouni, 2016). In order to move forward in a positive direction, the Rwandan government must focus upon creating a state that is capable of managing and developing its presently scarce resources (Id). Ideally this critical step could be reinforced by a strong ideological preference for self-reliance, which would require freedom from corruption as well as international aid.

  • Chemouni, Benjamin. “Public Sector Reform in Rwanda is Driven by a Legitimation Strategy.” Effective States and Inclusive Development. 13 May 2016, n.p. Web. 6 Aug. 2016, from:
  • Country Profile: Rwanda and Burundi. The Economist Intelligence Unit. 1998-99. The Unit: London. Web. 6 Aug. 2016 from:
  • “EGOVKB | United Nations Data Country Information.” EGOVKB | United Nations Data Country Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2016.
  • “Rwanda: Dairy Sector Goes Digital-UNPAN – United Nations Public Administration Network.” N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2016.
  • “Rwanda Public Administration Country Profile – United Nations.” N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Aug. 2016.