Blythe, Hal. “Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily.” The Explicator, vol. 47, no.2, 1989, pp.49-50. ProQuest.
Blythe’s main claim is that the motive for Emily’s killing of Homer Barron may be his homosexuality and her desire to save face in the Old South community. The intended audience for this scholarly article may include literary critics, literary scholars, teachers of American literature, and college students who study literature. The author supports the main claim with his analysis of the name Homer as implying homosexuality. Blythe also uses a series of quotes from the text that show that Homer liked to spend time with men, especially with young men and boys, and that he was far from chivalric, and uses the phrase “he was not the marrying man” to emphasize Homer’s difference. In addition, Blythe interprets metaphors to show that Emily’s relationship with Homer was barren and sterile. The article is effective because it provides an expanded interpretation of the psychological motif that led Emily to kill the man.

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Claridge, H. William Faulkner: Critical Assessments. Taylor & Francis, 2000.
Claridge’s book does not have one major claim but presents a collection of critical texts on Faulkner’s writings. It targets literary scholars and critics, as well as college students and teachers. Judith Fetterley’s “A Rose for A Rose for Emily” provides a feminist analysis of the story, which makes it effective for those who seek sociological interpretation. Ray West’s “Atmosphere and Theme in Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily” offers the interpretation of the historical contexts of the story and its links to the present, which, again, is useful for sociological understanding. The authors base their observations on gender theory, literary theory, history, and the text of the story. In this way, the book is highly effective.

Hsu, Chenghasun & Ya-Huei Wang. “The Fall of Emily Grierson: A Jungian Analysis of A Rose
for Emily.” Kata, vol. 16, no. 2, 2014, pp. 87-92.
The authors analyze the transitions in life and eventual fall of Emily Grierson throught he lens of Jungian theory. They use the concepts of archetypes, anima and animus, and persona and shadow to uncover Emily’s responses to the psychological and social burdens imposed on her by her father and by the community of her town. The article targets literary scholars and critics, as well as college students and teachers. Its claims are based on Jungian’s theory and its interpretation is correct in terms of Jung’s concepts. the article helps researchers to better understand the psychological meanings of the story.

Kriewald, Gary. “The Widow of Windsor and the Spinster of Jefferson: A Possible Source for Emily Grierson” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 19, no.1, Fall 2003, pp. 3-10. ProQuest.

Kriewald’s main claim is that two possible prototypes for Emily Grierson, of to refer to the historical context in which William Falkner wrote, were Queen Victoria and/or Emily Dickinson. The article’s target audience is literary scholars and critics, as well as college students and teachers. The author supports his claims with subjective observations and findings by other literary researchers. His claim regarding Dickinson is supported rather by drawing parallels with the poet’s eccentric life and with some references to her poets; his claim regarding Queen Victoria is supported by his observation and no serious facts. This source is effective for sociological interpretation because it allows to see the roots of the character in the society Faulkner was writing about.

Scherting, Jack. “Emily Grierson’s Oedipus Complex: Motif, Motive, and Meaning in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily’.” Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 17, no. 4, Fall 1980, p. 397. EBSCOhost.

Scherting’s main claim is Homer did not jilt Emily Grierson, so her key motivation for killing him was her unresolved Oedipus complex. Scherting supports his analysis with observations that Emily had suppressed sexual desires towards her father. Also, he says that by killing Homer and engaging in necrophilia, Emily simply enabled herself to maintain her relationship with the father figure. The article targets literary scholars and critics, as well as college students and teachers. It is every effective in terms of understanding the psychological reasons behind the murder.

Stralen, Hans. “The Coveted Monument: A Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily.” PsyArt, 8 Jun. 2013.
Starlen’s main claim is that Emily was the object of sexual desire by male villagers but the fact that she was sexually untouched makes her a sort of a monument. Emily’s sexual contact with the corpse implies that the whole society lived with the dead past and was unable to bury it. The article on the website targets students, teachers, and researchers. It is effective in its use of psychoanalysis and reliance on previous scholarly sources.