My main goal in my career pathway is to become a skilled programmer and company leader. This coincides with my majors: maths and computer science, and relates to my leadership role in football and my volunteer work in Haiti.
My major interests are: voluntary work, coaching, and playing football. I find football motivating because it demands great teamwork, rapid learning, and faith in others. As coach of my secondary school’s male senior team, I learned essential leadership skills, and have since been able to apply them to great effect, in various experiences. One of these was to distribute tasks within the group. When I was in the anthropology lab, I combined the 5 members into one as the leader and ensured the team achieved our goal by allocating tasks according to each member痴 strengths. An example of my volunteer work was my 2015 Haiti missionary assignment. My seven member team named 滴opeful,�built plans, and discussed strategies for our week-long stay. First-class teamwork enabled me to fulfill my tasks, network, and build strong relationships with other volunteers and the locals. Thanks to meticulous planning, we were able to help over a hundred children in one location.
My real interest however, lies in academics, especially the integration and synergy of maths and computer science. One topic that has intellectually always fascinated me, is synergy. Synergy is defined as: a combination of two elements that generate an effect greater than the sum of their individual parts, and for me, a strong example of this is the study of computer science and maths. In the case of computer science, one day I was relaxing and asked myself the question: 的s there a single object that does not have a connection to computers?�Computers have always brought so much convenience to my life, and in 2012, this interest bore fruit when I founded a smartphone application company named 徹nbi,�after a Korean word that means 釘ringing light to everywhere.�Then later, in 2014, my company launched an application named School Mom, created in java. This was my first great technological success, as the app was well received as a helpful communication bridge between students, parents, and teachers. Ever since then, computers have become an increasingly powerful tool that I can employ to change the world around me.
And in the case of maths, my interest soared when I realized its enormous value. From basic algebra to advanced maths, it elevated my interest as I learned the interrelation of facet, such as derivative and integration. My fascination led me to enroll in maths classes, and I even qualified to represent my city in the Penn State University National Maths Contest. My fascination in maths sky rocketed even further when I learned how it is related to computer science; and when I studied matrices and calculus, I found the relationships of binary numbers in the matrices and binary codes in computer science. I was very keen to share how fascinating it all is, and was able to fulfill this by tutoring students, regardless of my own hefty course load, particularly during the hectic summer semesters. By using efficient time management, I was able to work out a suitable schedule, and helped needy person a day, working with them twice or more a week, after finishing my own coursework. In this way, I was able to achieve both the students�and my own goals, and the experience has done much to improve my goal management and communication skills.
My goal now is to continue my studies in order to connect my computer science with mathematical algorithms so that I can become a skilled programmer and company leader. In order to achieve this, I would like to ask you for support from your university, as it can provide classes and lab hours, as well as opportunities for real-life applications of knowledge. I am most eager to join this esteemed institution, and look forward to giving a hundred percent to my studies and achieving top grades.