As the health status of human beings is undergoing massive evolution, nursing education should also embrace diversity in various practical perspectives (Health Foundation, August 2012). This will assist in addressing various disparities in nursing practice while giving the profession the importance it requires in dignifying human health. The article ‘Using Patient Experience and In Nurse Education’ exhibits both objectivity and currency. This is because it advocates for using practical approaches to nursing education by involving nursing students and patients in all aspects of healthcare including education delivery.

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The authors indicate that nursing education is characterized by complex transitional stages that are very crucial in the attainment of the relevant skills. These sentiments make their article valid and relevant to the modern medical education context. This includes acquisition of current teaching policies that promote quality in the delivery of the education. Practical approach to nursing education is very imperative in delivering the required quality and standard in nursing. This is because this is likely to deliver sound principles and skills to the medical practitioner in order to have a clear link between practical and theoretical nursing views. The patient centered approach is very relevant in the nursing practice, this is because it assists in removing the barriers that may exist while acquiring education (Health Foundation, August 2012).

The authors exhibit objectivity in the article in various ways. Active involvement of patients in educational systems is very critical in the education. This is because it assists in demystification of some theoretical concepts by acquiring clear and sound information through direct medical administration. Practical approaches to chronic and difficult medical conditions assist the nurses to have confidence and experience before handling the situations individually. Simulation and role plays in education is an aspects that can improve the quality and intensity of the services to be provided. The authors also indicate by acquisition of the most appropriate and effective strategies of patient involvement, quality is assured. This is accurate and it appreciates the fact that different medical conditions have a variety of needs that need to be addressed uniquely.

The article highlights various issues and aspects in education that have much relevance in the field today. At the core of the article, is emphasis on quality and efficiency improvement in medical practices (Health Foundation, August 2012). This quality revolves around the acquisition of the skills and knowledge required to sustain the current status of healthcare. The existence of gaps between practical and theoretical education frameworks is evident in the medical field today. The currency of the resource is shown through the relevance of the issues addressed by the authors in the world today. Sound teaching practices and activities in nursing is very imperative in enhancing acquisition of good management and ethical values in practical terms. This is through meaningful and appropriate patient participation. This assists in acquiring the right skills that are crucial in attaining cultural diversity and practicing core nursing values which an important professional facet.

In conclusion, the article promotes the use of a practical approach to endorse a meditative practice in nursing. These practices ensure that an extreme value is extracted from the learning process (Health Foundation, August 2012). Patient involvement is crucial as it promotes familiarization of the nurses with their real working environments. The authors strategically explore the possibility of acquiring the appropriate policies in nursing education. The concepts given indicate the crucial nature of nursing education in relation to general healthcare. Improving nursing education does not only improve the quality of education, but it is a big step towards improving the quality of life. The issues highlighted in the article exhibit diversity and relevance in modern professional ethics in nursing. The consistency that is evident in the article with the current state of healthcare makes it objective and current.