Post Falls is Idaho’s tenth biggest city and of the fastest-growing. It started as a settlement by the Spokane River, when an immigrant from Germany Frederick Post built a lumber mill there. Today, Post Falls’ primary economic activities are tourism and entertainment, apart from timber business. Whereas these facts will hardly tell anything peculiar and attractive about Post Falls, the touch-sight-sound experience will. Once you hear how Post Falls sounds, see how Post Falls looks, and feel how it touches, you will definitely get enchanted by this small north city.

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How does Post Falls sound? One needs to say that the city is not noisy at all. Post Falls has diverse sounds, but neither is noisy or unpleasant. If asked what my favorite Post Falls’ sound is I will tell you that of the city’s Farmers Market. As you have probably guessed, they sell a lot of various homegrown things there. Indeed, these are the products that you will not find in supermarkets. Just as people talk and move with some sort of buzz, they get food which is free from any chemicals and which is fresh. In the market, many Post Falls citizens fill the air with a peculiar noise of the marketplace. The overall sound is made up of a number of sounds, including farmers who are telling about what they sell and grow, customers chatting with all these vendors, babies either laughing or crying, and their moms with comforting sounds… I only have visited the Farmers Market one time, because my friend was eager to buy healthy food. Yet, that time was enough to see that in Past Falls that place sounded quite differently from any other places. I can say that it was noisy, but not in any bad sense. I think Farmers Market rather shows how vigorous everyday life can be in Post Falls.

Now, what about sight? In Post Falls, there are a few things to see. For instance, one can visit Fort Pull replica not far from Post Falls. This is actually a building that one can stare for long hours at. Every visitor’s eyes are literally chained to a breathtaking view of specific white-washed walls, austere basic structure as well as an American flag joyously waving in the wind. The view of this fort replica is particularly stunning if one imagines how it used to serve as a trading post years ago. One more impressive view is the one of a St. George’s Catholic church. The church dates back to in the early twentieth century and it reminds visitor that Post Falls is not actually as young as they may think. It should be said that tourists arriving to Post Falls find themselves looking for a long time at St. George’s Church along with other sights.

Finally, how can you touch Post Falls? I believe you can touch it by touching its amazing nature. Post Falls Zoo has lots of native American animals. So, as you happen to visit Post Falls, you should definitely come to the zoo and touch some small, friendly, and warm animal or you might even wish to try to feed it from your hands. You will discover that lots of animals find your food really yummy. They will come up again and ask for more. Yet, if to be honest, only a few allow humans to touch or pat their backs and heads. Anyway, most visitors fear touching animals that are on display. In this case, I would advise that such visitor should touch beautiful trees. These trees will surely grant humans their energy and keep them pretty close to nature at least for a several moments.

To recap, my Post Falls touch-sound-sight experiences are rich and special. Hopefully, these senses will lead me to a wealth of new impressions!