Samples "Popular culture" (Page 3)

Popular culture

Robert Scholes’ “On Reading a Video Text”

Robert Scholes’s essay “On Reading a Video Text”, from the work Protocols of Reading argues that today’s video texts should be considered part of contemporary American culture. Scholes explains that, by watching a video which presents a glimpse of the American ideology, lifestyle and values, the viewer is able to...

336 words | 3 page(s)
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McDonaldization of Society Essay

The McDonaldization of society refers to the mass movement of society towards extreme rationalization. While it may seem that society is simply moving towards a fast food approach, what it actually indicates is that there is movement towards always examining issues from an ends/mean analysis. Rather than looking at issues...

342 words | 3 page(s)
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Cultural Artifact Essay: What Are Cultural Artifact Examples?

Abstract This paper will discuss the selection of a single cultural artifact that I believe best represents the culture in which we live today. It will provide a detailed description of the artifact, analyzing in detail how the artifact relates to the values and beliefs of our culture. It will...

1019 words | 4 page(s)
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The Importance of Myth and Storytelling

Myths and legends are arguably the oldest form of culture. Almost all regions of the world possess narratives of exceptional individuals who are able to triumph against tremendous odds and to live memorable and heroic lives. Crucially, in almost all of these stories, the heroic character embodies not only a...

944 words | 4 page(s)
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Popular Culture During the Great Depression

The Great Depression was a brutal financial recession that took place in the 1930’s throughout the world. The United States of America was greatly affected by this recession. The Stock Market crashed. Unemployment rose to 25-30%, especially in urban areas. There was little construction, international trade plummeted, and the farming...

466 words | 3 page(s)
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