Samples "Philosophy" (Page 8)


Descriptive and Normative Relativism

Some arguments for skepticism stress the phenomenon of disagreement. A strength of such arguments is that the make appeal to a very plausible premise—there is disagreement, about nearly any topic one can think of. A weakness of the arguments is that they appear to conflate two very different claims. The...

1366 words | 6 page(s)
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‘Philosophy in the Streets’ Reflections

In an interesting way, David Owens's thoughts on the nature of duty simultaneously address many important aspects of the subject and neglect certain, and important, potential realities. To begin with, Owens presents basic conceptions of duty as understood by most human beings. Citing Hume, he asserts that a sense of...

760 words | 3 page(s)
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Zarathustra – Vision and Riddle

In what way does the vision of eternal return present us with a riddle? What questions are raised in the riddle? How does Zarathustra take the dwarf's question and intensify the underlying problem--in effect, responding to a hard question with an even harder question? How does the vision of laughter...

331 words | 3 page(s)
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What is Reality

An episode of a series about the brain that aired recently on PBS suggested that everything that a person regards as reality is essentially constructed within their own mind. Not in the sense that everybody creates their own unique world, but in the sense that all the colors we see...

362 words | 3 page(s)
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The Relation of Fight Club to Philosophy

The film “Fight Club” (1999) is one of the most controversial films of the 20th century. It tells the story of the a thirty-something insurance worker who meets a charismatic stranger named Tyler Durden. This stranger has a fundamentally nihilistic world view and rejects ideas of self-improvement or of career...

617 words | 3 page(s)
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