Judaism is one of the largest religions in the world. It is a complex, cultural organization which in its modern manifestation can be perceived through many different, interconnected, and at times conflicting categories; nationality, ethnicity, civilization, and religious affiliation. Every one of those categories illustrates a different way of separating groups in today’s world. Judaism is disparate from other religions in that it does not focus heavily on metaphysical cosmological ideas. While Jews have undoubtedly thought about and comprehensively expressed their views on the nature of man, God, life, the universe, and afterlife, there is no established, formal, authoritative belief concerning these subject matters that go beyond the well-known concepts, for example, God exists, God is spiritual, prayer is directed to God, and so forth. Judaism is more inclined towards actions rather than beliefs.

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Judaism’s main interest is on relationships: between man and God, the Jewish people and Israel, between God and Jews, and inter-human relationships. Jewish scriptures present the story of the unfolding of these relationships from Adam and Eve (creation), the development of the relationship between God and Abraham, between God and Jewish people and so forth. The Bible also details the communal duties created by these relationships. But some sects of Judaism oppose the nature of these duties. The Orthodox sect believes that the relationship obligations are unconditional, fixed laws of God, the Conservative faction believes that the obligations change with time, while the Reformist believe that the obligations are instructions that one can follow or not. The actions of Judaism entail ancient customs, the six-hundred and thirteen commandments that God gave in the Torah, and the laws established by the rabbis.

Part of modern Judaism includes the Sephardic customs practiced in the United States, Canada, France, and Israel by migrants from North Africa and the Middle East and the European Sephardim in the Americas, Hasidic groups in the United States and Israel, unorganized secular Jews who observe the agnostic and atheists observance to Jewish customs, and Jews who seek a religious life away from the synagogue. These many sectors represent the efforts at describing the real meaning of Judaism which is a process that has been ongoing all through time, differently highlighting one of the three pillars of Judaism which are God, Torah, and Israel. While these principles are very basic, the obligation of believing in each of them has been challenged at one time or the other and the noninterventionist Judaism faction disputes many of these.

From 600 C.E going forward the Judaic intelligence is represented as going along traditional standards making its input from one generation to another as observations and not as new composition. All history that is available on Judaic thought, both scholarly and crude, all presentations of the religion, Judaism agrees with it . Culturality represents the standard modality of Judaic thought as the improvement, adjustment or an accepted addition of truth. The same applies even for the new ideas that come up. But without having any antecedent, Judaic systems find representation as expansion of the received Torah, attributed to verses of the Bible and not as a result of new and original establishments of orderly and systematic statements of sound principles. As with the new and perfect classism of the well-balanced Parthenon and the chaotic and disorderly lanes of the streets the Judaic intellect settles in the side-lines of modern times in a continuous, hence by definition an ever-imperfect open space. The Judaic intellect continued its work by receiving and passing down the inheritance across time, not by coming up with new ideas. It wanted to preserve the foundation of truths and add on to these foundations rather than digging them up and starting anew.

In the 19th century, it was the halakah that that divided Judaism. The Orthodox sect holds the Scriptures and oral laws as authoritative, resulting from God while the Reform do not perceive them as authoritative in any supreme but applicable only in their ethical substance. Orthodox Jews preserve the traditional practices while Reform Jews only do the rituals that they know will enhance the Jewish God-aligned life. But the leaders of the American Reform Judaism overturned teachings that were centuries old by encouraging but not imposing the observance of many longstanding rituals. The Conservative side tries to create middle-ground between Reformists and Orthodox, keeping most of the traditional formal procedures but understanding the importance of making changes to match the primary contemporary considerations. Conservatives hold the belief that the history of Judaism confirms their fundamental assumptions that tradition and change always go together and what is important and has stayed constant throughout time is the Israelites and their needs and not the fundamentalism of the Orthodox movement or what they think of as the rejection of customs by Reformists.

According to Buber, when a Jew introspects, they find that they have a major duality of extremes of the premier and lowest human characteristics and ambitions which compete against one another and take him from one pole to another. This duality is the essence of Jewishness. When a Jew looks at the soul of a human they observe the same schism of incongruity searching for its answers in an inner unanimity another. But because the Jew has experienced this duality more powerfully throughout history as a people than any other people, they have cultivated the strongest spiritual strength of working towards unity, a struggle that has stimulated their creative prowess to come up with the concept of God’s unity, universal love, worldwide justice which was the idea of salvation another. Even though the duality of the soul of a Jew is the essence of his faith, the same is applicable to humans across the board.

The common goal of the human race also governs Buber’s idea of the renewal of Judaism as he encourages man to refresh the real meaning of Jewishness in his spirit which is the restitution of humanity in it another. This restitution is not supposed to be a slow but sure development of new forms out of old teachings to accommodate Judaism in contemporary living. It is also not meant to rebuild the Jewish race in its ancient mother country in a new type of a cultural center another. They still believe in the first five books of the Scripture, the oral torah given to Moses, that there will be no other Torah, that God sees the deeds and thoughts of human and that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished, that Christ will come back, and the dead will rise. These beliefs remain intact. However, the restitution calls for an uprising in Jews’ lives and a complete return to the primary processes of Jewishness.

  • “Judaism and Modern Philosophy.” Judaism 24, no. 3 (Summer75 1975): 355. Academic Search Premier.
  • “Judaism.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (April 2016): 1-3. Academic Search Premier.
  • Kohanski, Alexander S. “Martin Buber’s Philosophy of Judaism.” Judaism 24, no. 1 (Winter75 1975): 69-81. Academic Search Premier.
  • Neusner, Jacob. “Is Judaism a Traditional Religion?” Review Of Rabbinic Judaism 11, no. 1 (June 2008): 100-138. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 28, 2016).
  • Rich, Tracey. What do Jews Believe? 2011. Judaism 101. http://www.jewfaq.org/beliefs.htm
  • Woodhead, Linda, Christopher Partridge, and Hiroko Kawanami, eds. Religions in the modern world: Traditions and transformations. Routledge, 2016.