The issue of legalization of marijuana is always discussed by various sources in the present society. During the past one decade, there has been an increasing debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. In addition, there has been debate about if it is legalized, how will the authorities ensure that it works effectively without causing any harm to the society. This are some of the questions that the government is taking into consideration each day there arises a debate about the issue. There exists a big divide between individual beliefs on this issue. While some individuals argue that marijuana should be legalized, others are of the thought that is should not be legalized while others think it should be legalized but with some measures on its use. When examining the benefits of marijuana, there is no doubt that it should be legalized. The legalization of marijuana is a noble idea that can lead to positive social, cultural, health and economic developments.
The first reason for legalization of marijuana is because it can be used for various medical purposes. The medical uses of marijuana provide a description of the application of marijuana in its whole, unprocessed form or some of its extracts in the treatment of some conditions in human beings. Scientific studies have led to the discovery of some cannabinoids that are vital chemical substances contained in the marijuana and that have a medicinal value. Welsh contend that these chemical substances can be essential in treating a wide range of diseases as well as symptoms in humans and thus help in enhancing the health status of many people in the society (Welsh). Therefore, marijuana is an important drug that should be embraced for use in the healthcare industry as well human health research institution in for the purpose of assisting in the creation of advanced clinical interventions necessary for human health. According to Drug Policy Alliance illegalization of marijuana is against the medical ethics that requires the dedication of a lot of efforts and resources for the purpose enhancing the quality of the life of human beings. As a result, legalization of marijuana can help in providing people a chance to embrace its positive attributes in order to enhance their the quality of life.

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The second reason for legalization of marijuana is that it can help in promoting economic development in various ways. Legalization of marijuana will encourage farmers to grow the plant in large scale basis in order to provide enough supply of the needed plant for medical laboratories for the purpose of developing the drugs as well as medicines from the chemical components contained in marijuana (Barbour). Consequently, this is an important of strategy that contributes to the eventual improvement of the quality of life in the society. In addition, this is important because the agricultural large-scale production of the cannabis plant will reduce the levels of unemployment in the society which is an essential tool towards economic development of the country and reduction of social vices such as crime (Welsh). According to the Drug Policy Alliance, besides the various benefits from large-scale farming of the plant, there will be many people who will also be taking part in the entire supply chain as well as manufacture of the medicine through research. Hence, this will help significantly in reducing the levels of unemployment in the society and create a robust society which is very hard working and committed to improve quality of life.

The third reason for legalizing marijuana is that the legalization can also lead effective and open purchase of the drug through the control of the state and the federal government which will in turn help in generating revenues for the government through taxes. This is crucial towards increasing the revenues of the government through revenues and taxes and therefore providing more resources for various development projects funded by the government. There is a lot is spending by the government in terms of the resources needed to prevent drug use. Instead, legalizing marijuana could save a lot of government spending and generate revenues out of it. Not only that legalization of marijuana will increase government revenues in form of taxes, it will also help in saving some significant amount of spending by the justice system. According to FBI, more than 800,000 people get arrested every year for possession and/or use of marijuana and an estimated $10 billion spent annually for the control and arrest of marijuana users and offenders (Welsh). In addition, marijuana smokers are said to be fulfilling their obligations through paying of taxes, and providing for their families including children. Therefore, legalizing it will help the justice system to handle criminals using other hard core drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Reducing the number of marijuana drug offenders will help in opening up jail spots which will be used to accommodate offenders with more serious crimes. All in all, legalization of marijuana can significantly help in reducing the spending of the justice system, help the government generate more revenues and it is important that a policy regarding marijuana legalization be reviewed and if possible be implemented.

The fourth reason for legalization of marijuana is that it can help in increasing the social welfare of the society. This is because besides the use of the marijuana for medicinal, it can also be used for purposes of relieving pain and enhancing the inflammatory conditions. This implies that marijuana can assist medical experts and the individuals in the society to acquire a medicine which is developed from a natural substance and is important to human bodies. The Drug Policy Alliance publication state that the use of this substance for medicinal purposes will also promote and encourage the acquisition of medicine that is considered cheap and readily available for the people and thus enhancing the quality of their life and the well-being in the society. Enhancing healthcare accessibility as well as affordability of health facilities and services is one of the important strategies that can enhance the quality of life in the society (Barbour). The pain relief which is caused by medicinal marijuana on various parts of the bodies of humans can also be more important and preferable as opposed to the use of medicine made from complex chemicals that may lead to further complications and side effects in the bodies of human beings. As a result, the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes such as pain relief can lead to overall wellbeing of people in the society.

In a nutshell, even though some people argue that the legalization of marijuana is likely to lead an abuse of the use of the substance, the legalization of marijuana is a noble idea that can lead to positive social, cultural, health and economic developments. The authorities should consider legalizing marijuana because it can be used for various medical purposes, it can help in promoting economic development in various ways such creating employment through farming and supply chain process, it can lead to effective and open purchase of the drug through the control of the state and the federal government which will in turn help in generating revenues for the government through taxes and it can help in increasing the social welfare of the society by enhancing the quality of life.

  • Barbour, Scott. Should Marijuana Be Legalized? New York: Reference Point Press. 2010. Print.
  • Drug Policy Alliance. Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. 2015. Web, April 16, 2015.
  • Welsh, Jennifer & Kevin, Loria. Health Benefits of Marijuana. Business Insider. 2014. Web, April 16, 2015.