There is nothing more valuable nor life changing than a college education. This is particularly true of a graduate degree, which can be likened to the difference between a mountain and a mole hill. I am very conscious of the decision I have made to advance my education. The choice to pursue a Master degree in Computer Science is one that I have given careful thought to, as has been the choice of University to pursue my higher education.
My goal has always been to pursue my dreams. Like most people, my dreams are something that encourage me to get up each day and move forward with my career, and my life. The pursuit of dreams unfulfilled, or partially fulfilled are often the goal of those desiring a higher education. In the pursuit of my dreams my goal has also been to make a positive difference in the lives of others. I believe that it is never too late to pursue one’s goals, or make positive impacts in the lives of those we care about. If I could have determined my life goal at the age of 18, then I would have set about pursuing my Master in Education in Computer Science then. However at such a tender age it is often difficult to decide the course of one’s life.

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Now that I have gained positive life experience and cultivated many goals, while pursuing my passions, I am ready and able to pursue my education. I grew up in Turkey, where, as students, we must take several exams to qualify for University entrance. Thankfully I scored very well, and entered one of the best universities in Turkey. Here I studied and graduated from the school of Physics and Engineering. I chose this field as a means of learning more about the architecture of the world. Knowing this was one of the most challenging majors, I felt very accomplished after completing my degree.

After experiencing all the world of engineering and physics had to offer, I realized that I wanted more from my education. My work experience has included wireless network communications and work in the USA as a sales coordinator for students. Here I had the unique pleasure of performing written and verbal communication with companies as a sales coordinator for students. I also spent time working in sales and brand management, and spend time in project management. I feel that my time would be best served now expanding my horizons, and pursuing a master degree in education in the field of computer science. My background in physical engineering will help in this, although it does not provide me with the foundation in computer science that I need to excel in computer sciences. With a Master in Education in Computer Science, I can learn more about programming, hardware, applications and the architecture of the computer world as opposed to the physical world.

I have been working diligently in the arena of communications now for several years. While I have many well-developed technical skills, I feel I have a lot to learn in the area programming. I would like to use my skills in sales, communications, and engineering to teach others how to develop their computer skills and project management talent and share them with others. I quite enjoy working in both engineering and computer science, and feel these talents can be used in many settings. There is also a rapidly expanding market for corporate teaching I feel I can break into with the right training and education. With a Master in Computer Science, I can work in the rapidly expanding global marketplace.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to gain more insight into the field of computer science, which is always evolving and changing. I am confident that your program will assist me in developing my skills and abilities to the fullest. I have chosen this field with much careful thought and attention as to how I will use my skills to maximize not only my own skills, but also to give back to the communities that have served me so well in the past and present. Thank you for your time and consideration.