This paper will work to identify the different characteristics of an ideal performance appraisal system. It will describe each of the different components in brief detail while explaining the justification for their selection and inclusion within this type of ideal system.
Keywords: performance appraisal system, ideal, components, justification

Performance Appraisal Program
Performance appraisal systems afford managers the availability of effectively evaluating employee job performance while developing a “fair system of pay increases and promotions” (Griffin, 2014). There are many different types of performance appraisal systems that may be utilized by an organization, ensuring that the organization is able to find one that not only meets their needs but one that works best within the given system that the organization has setup. In spite of these many differences, there are still certain characteristics that may be found across all ideal performance appraisal systems.

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In order for the performance appraisal system to be successful, the metrics that are utilized must relate to effective job performance only; concerning themselves with items that relate specifically to their job position, as opposed to blanket metrics for the company (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). In addition, the metrics used must be related to clearly measurable standards, and all performance issues must be swiftly addressed (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). Employees must have a clear understanding of the different characteristics that they will be reviewed on, allowing them to gear up for their reviews, and the appraisals should follow a clearly established process, one that does not deviate from appraisal to appraisal (Snell & Bohlander, 2011).

In working to ensure that the performance appraisal process, regardless of which one is ultimately utilized, works to adhere to these basic qualifications, the human resources department, department managers, and the organization as a whole, will be able to ensure that all departments continue to run in a smooth and efficient manner, with all issues addressed. Though performance appraisal processes vary widely in their methodology, the ideal systems all have these specific qualifiers in common.

  • Griffin, D. (2014). Types of Employee Appraisal Systems. Chron.com. Retrieved 10 June 2014, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com
  • Snell, S., & Bohlander, G. (2011). Managing Human Resources (16th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.