Paul Berg is an American molecular biologist and biochemist. Berg was born on June, 30 1926 in Brooklyn, New York (CHF, 2010). Berg underwent high school education at the Abraham Lincoln School where he graduated in 1946. In 1948, Berg received a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Penn State University. In 1952, awarded Biochemistry Ph.D. from the Case Western Reserve University. His professional and academic life was dominated by chemistry research. He is an inventor and pioneer of various procedures that led to the discovery of various aspects related to molecular biology and biochemistry. The particular concern of his molecular studies includes the study of nucleic acids and the biochemical attributes associated with them.
Berg was engaged in various corporate and academic posts in his career. His professional proficiency was exhibited in service in numerous academic institutions and research organizations (SSM, 2014). His renowned research capabilities enhanced the resolution of various problems associated with metabolic chemistry. His studies facilitated the discovery key elements related to RNA and DNA and the synthesis of proteins in human systems (NLM, 2014). His contribution is preserved in various research and academic institutions. Berger instituted various ethical and physical hazards advanced by revolutionary chemical technology. His outstanding discoveries led to acquiring recognition by being awarded the Chemistry Nobel Prize in 1980 (Nobel Price, 2014).

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Berg’s contributions portray him as one of the most refined biochemical scientists in history (Istvan, 2002). His developments of various methods of DNA molecule splitting have been applied in various technological fields. Berg’s studies included various aspects of intermediary metabolism by the use of radioisotope tracers. These studies advanced research related to substantial nitrogen atoms and isotopic carbons. His discoveries are applied in various areas in the world today. Some of the common areas of application include medicine, biochemical industries and in research institutions. Therefore, Berg is a very critical figure in chemical research.

  • CHF, (2010). Paul Berg. Chemical Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from
  • Istvan, H. (2002). Stockholm Nobel Prices. Oxford University Press.
  • NLM, (2014). Paul Berg. National Library of Medicine
  • Nobel Price (2014). Paul Berg. Nobel
  • SSM, (2014). Paul Berg. Stanford School of Medicine. Stanford School of Medicine. Retrieved from