The aspect of the film that struck the writer the most emotionally and logically was when Andy discovered that Tommy had met and spoken with the man who committed the murder he was currently serving time for (Darabont). At this point in the film, Andy had built himself a tolerable...
Few films in recent decades have been as universally praised, and even loved, As Spielberg's Schindler's List. Critics and the public generally hailed it as a modern masterpiece, and one supporting the most fundamental ethics of real morality. To achieve this, Spielberg presents the story of one heroic man in...
The award winning film by Michael Haneke shows one society, and within it - one family in a German village in the north of the country, just before the start of World War I. The primary idea, according to the director, was to show the roots of evil. Even though...
For me “A 2001 Space Odyssey” is, definitely, one of the greatest movies shot. And the reason behind it is not only high quality of old movies. I strongly believe that shooting films was taken much more seriously at that time than it is nowadays. The importance of this movie...
In the movie, Titanic, several techniques are used that help to draw the viewer in within the first ten, even five minutes. Titanic is based on the historical event of the Titanic ship sinking, resulting in the loss of hundreds of lives. In Titanic, there are several techniques that are...
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