Organizational management is a comprehensive entity that deals with the control, administration and leadership within an organization with the aim of achieving its goals and objectives. Organizational management deals with the acquisition and commitment of various resources in an organization with the aim of optimizing them in both the decision-making processes and planning as an essential way of controlling and mitigating risks (Lundgren, 2004). Organizational management is characterized by a series of processes that give the managers an allowance to have appropriate responses to the operations that take place within an entity. These aspects assist he manager to have a clear picture of the organizational goals and objectives that are essential towards promoting productivity.

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Strategic management is elemental towards an organization and the performance of various activities. This entails the formation of form short term and long-term goals and promoting their execution. This also entails various processes like the analysis of the strategies and objectives that exist through appropriate monitoring processes to ensure the organization is heading in the appropriate direction (James, 2002). The use of the most appropriate strategies within the organizational setup is elemental because it can assist the administrators to lay down efficient mechanisms that can aid the elimination of inconsistencies in the operations of the organization.

In the structure of organizational management, planning forms the basis. Planning ensures that the manager looks at all the organizational resources and promotes their participation towards promoting high levels of productivity in the organization (Klingler, 2012). In this phase, the manager aids the setting of organizational goals and the delegation of duties and responsibilities top all members of the organization which is followed by the definition of the strategies that can aid the achievement of these goals. All the tasks that are done within the organization must be integrated into a single unit that can assist in giving the direction for the future.

To ensure that all the organizational plans are effective, the organization of various aspects in important in an entity. The execution of the organizational goals is very important and it may require the dedication and commitment of sufficient resources to aid the application process. The organization entails the managers allocating resources and responsibilities to the groups and teams that are available in the organization. The use of authority and influence is important in his perspective to assist the organization in achieving its ultimate goals and objectives. This ensures that all the tasks in the organization are given the attention they require.

The control of resources is imperative to organizational management. Resources are important within an organizational setup because they provide the basic operational abilities for an organization. Each and every function within an organization has a unique set of resources that are utilized for various purpose. The managers must ensure that the resources satisfy the operational needs and expectations of an organization by the establishment of stable control systems that can also aid appropriate adjustments to increase the level of resilience within an organization.

Leadership is a critical function in organizational management. Organizational managers should also be the ideal leaders within the organization in order to increase the levels of productivity. One of the essential aspects of leadership is laying sufficient influence on other members of the organization and motivating them. This can assist in increasing the levels of commitment of all individuals in the organization (Bond, 2006). Appropriate leadership also gives the platform for the creation of effective communication strategies in an organization with stable feedback channels as one of the practical ways of promoting inclusivity in the organization. Therefore, organizational manager must consider leadership qualities in order to give the organization the required success.