It is common to experience resistance when implementing a new change in an organization. Resistance to change is a normal reaction from the employees in the organization. Resistance to change is one of the most recalcitrant and baffling problems that senior management face (Griffin, 2013). Resistance to change takes different forms such as continued reduction in performance, increase in number of employees quitting and others requesting for transfers, sullen hostility, chronic quarrels, and expression of various pseudological reasons as to why the change cannot be effective.

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Based on the case provided, the two types of resistance that the senior management might encounter from this organization is political resistance and rational resistance to change. Political resistance to change is concerned with the perception and self-image of power. Unlike other types of resistance to change such as rational and emotional, political resistance to change kicks in immediately when people in the organization learn about an impending change within the business organization (Green, 2009). For instance, based on the information provided in the case, the executives responsible for each area and who are considerably responsible with the autonomy over the sales and the manufacturing activities in the decentralized and geographical areas will feel less that the impeding change will make them less powerful in the organizational. They might be resist the introduction of the new change because the current responsibilities they are handling makes them more powerful.

In addition, they can resist the change since their duties and responsibilities will feel threatened. Political resistance to change makes the executives to feel that they are at risk of losing their jobs or they might feel that their initial role in the organization is now inferior. In addition, they might feel to be in the same level as the previously junior employees. However, over time, as the change is being implemented, the executives will have to adapt with the changes and the organization can help to move them back into a positive track. According to Green (2009), there is a great risk that political resistance can sometimes derail a project being initiated and implemented in an organization. In order to minimize the effect of political change in such an organization, it is important to involve the right people during the initial planning of the change and expect personal reactions both of which will help in accelerating the path to accept the change.

The second type of resistance to change is rational change. In regard to the organization in the case, people will try to understand the change being implemented. The senior management will search for relevant comparisons, look for facts, and any available logic that can help in justifying the need to implement the change and the expected results in the organizations (Griffin , 2013). During the process of implementing the change, they ca look for various measurable evidence of progress and success in order to correlate on how the organization is performing as compared to what they had expected. In order to reduce the impact of rational resistance to change, open communications and thorough planning before and during the change initiatives can help in minimizing the effect of rational resistances in this organization.

In a nutshell, the two types of resistance based on information provided in the case is political resistance and rational resistance. Political resistance to change is concerned with the perception and self-image of power and rational resistance to change is when individuals are trying to comprehend the change, they search for facts, logic, and relevant comparisons that can help in making a justification as to why it is essential and what they should anticipated both during as well as after the process.