Today’s technological advances provide the learner with an opportunity to select the type of education they want to pursue. A high school graduate whose only concern is focusing on their studies would choose the traditional teaching. They have the time to stick to a specific schedule of class times. An adult who must work full-time would find the online education a better fit for their busy schedules. They could attend classes at home when they are done with work and their busy days. One in four learners is choosing to pursue their education online. Online education is my choice in a learning platform because it provides social interactions, flexibility, and it builds self-motivation.
Example 1: Social interaction
Social interaction occurs online between the students and the professor. They have video chats, message boards, instant messaging, and email. A large part of the requirements of online learning is interacting with the other classmate. The professor even prerecords the instructions and lectures, so the student can watch it when they have time. The video chat option allows for the same face-to-face interactions that a classroom offers. The traditional education provides an environment for students to talk to other students both in and out of the school. For example, students may run into other students on their way to class and pick up a conversation about an event that is taking place later that night. They also have to interact in the class with the professor and the other members of the class.

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Example 2: Flexibility
Online classes allow for the student to log into class when it best fits into their schedule. They may choose to wait until midnight to attend class, and that is acceptable as long as it is within the time frame allowed by the professor. A course may run from Sunday to Saturday, and the student is required to log on three times during that period to participate in the discussion. The traditional education has set times for classes that a student must attend. There are specific days for a course, and the student has to be available. Traditional schools have tried to accommodate the adult learners by offering evening classes and classes that meet once a week.

Example 3 Self-Motivation
The option to learn online requires the student to be more self-motivated. They have a time frame for attending class, and if they put it off until the last minute, they may not feel like putting in the necessary time. Students have a lot of reading, and they can find themselves distracted from the comforts of their home. Traditional education has many people watching the students motivating them to remain active with their responsibilities. For example, a student may be afraid the teacher may call on them in class, so they keep up with their reading to avoid being embarrassed by not knowing the material. The traditional education has more opportunities for the professor to remind the students of their assignments and when they are due.

Online education is my choice in a learning platform because it provides social interactions, flexibility, and it builds self-motivation. Both forms of education offer an excellent opportunity for learning, but the choice is based on the individual need. People who have to work or have children find it hard to make the strict schedules that traditional schools have with their classes. If an individual has the flexibility in their program and finds it more accessible to learn in a face-to-face setting, they would benefit from a traditional education. Twenty-five percent of all students are utilizing the online option for their schooling, and the number is growing. Online education can be hugely helpful for learners of all ages.