Hurricanes are defined as strong storms that occur in the tropical region carrying heavy winds (Horton & Liu, 2014). Due to such winds, there may result to excess rainfall leading to floods and a rise in the sea level. Hurricanes mostly occur in North Atlantic between the months of June and December. During this season, there are hot temperatures in the ocean. These temperatures warm the water in the tropical region supplying a lot of moisture and heat. As a result, there is a decrease in the stability of the atmosphere creating a favorable environment for organized convention which comes before cyclones winds (Horton & Liu, 2014).

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However, this instability may vary its strength depending on whether temperatures are warmest through late summer or early autumn. The hurricane season also varies depending on the climatic conditions and changes during each year.
Basically Hurricanes form in cases where the ocean water is warm, usually in a belt of trade winds tat from east to west. For example, within the Caribbean and U.S area, such storms form along the subtropical and tropical latitudes of these regions, before moving to the west and northwest. Simon (2003) noted that hurricanes storms start in cases where there is a high difference in temperature and pressure. Thus, hurricanes move towards the west according to the direction of the trade winds, as well as drift pole ward in a slow motion.

A review of the hurricanes that affect the Caribbean and the U.S shows that the hurricane experienced in these areas is steered by trade winds moving it to the west. However, considering the case of the Atlantic basin, these winds originate from the African coast towards the North American costs and the Caribbean Sea. In addition, these winds are propelled by pressure systems that are both high and low in pressure, thereby initiating a clockwise rotation.

  • Horton, R. and Liu, J. (2014). Beyond Hurricane Sandy: What Might the Future Hold for Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic?. J. of Extr. Even., 01(01), p.1450007.
  • Simon, S. (2003). Hurricanes. [New York]: HarperCollins.