The presence of educational centers in the community can play a significant role in initiating for positive change in the society. Such institutions tend to boast with better research platforms for facilitating effective practices in the society. In the context of the Bowling Green Community, there has been a tremendous rise in cases of obesity amongst the inhabitants of the area over the recent years. As a member of quality analysis team in our institution, we conducted a research study to ascertain the causes of the problem. We discovered that the registered increase in cases of obesity in the community was due to poor nutritional and feeding habits amongst the natives of Bowling Green.
Besides nutrition, unhealthy lifestyles like watching televisions for long hours were also described as part of the causes of obesity in the community of Bowling Green. Also, the absence of exercise programs and educative initiatives in the community contributed to the increased incidences of obesity amongst the residents. The quality analysis team also noted that inadequate dietary knowledge, genetics, and lack weight controlled programs contributed to cases of obesity in the community. Other than learning, promoting healthy living amongst the residents of Bowling Green is part of our priority. Hence, we decided that a majority of the causes of obesity amongst the inhabitants of the area can be reduced and prevented by introducing a set of initiatives in the society.

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The quality analysis team and other students should participate in conducting educational campaigns aimed at enlightening the people about the devastating effects of obesity and how it can be prevented. Additionally, the students and should link with other concerned stakeholders and sponsors to create exercise programs for assisting obese people in the community. Students can also design social initiatives for discussing how social practices like smoking can contribute to obesity. Also, ways of developing long-term solutions for addressing the challenge like the appropriation of nutritional experts should also be designed for the residents. Besides, students should create centers for providing nutritional advice and expertise the people of Bowling Green to promote healthy feeding habits. Finally, the students should incorporate issues of obesity in the institution’s magazines to increase the awareness of the government about the devastating effects of obesity amongst the people of Bowling Green and how they can assist in finding an amicable solution to helping the residents of the area.

Exercising programs will play an integral part in reducing and preventing cases of obesity in the community. Exercise and physical activities are instrumental reducing weights by breaking down fat deposits in the body. Besides, the establishment of exercise programs will prove the seriousness of the problem amongst the people. People will also be enlightened about training and activities that will be beneficial to their health.

The appropriation of educational campaigns in the community of Bowling Green will consequently promote healthy living amongst the residents to help in preventing obesity. Furthermore, the campaign will facilitate accessibility of obesity management programs amongst all the inhabitants of the area by extending the service to remote regions. The initiative will also improve the relationship between the students and the residents of Bowling Green. Also, such educational campaigns are necessary for sharing views and experiences on the challenge of obesity amongst the inhabitants of the area.

Designing behavioral enlightening measures by the students will assist in preventing the problem of obesity amongst the residents by promoting healthy behaviors amongst the people. The program will provide a superb platform for discussing social habits like smoking that can contribute to weight gain. Besides, the measure will promote research practices amongst the local healthcare providers and the students aimed at arriving at the most amicable social initiative that will assist in reducing and preventing the challenge of obesity. Also, the campaign will promote the sense of awareness of the risk factors of obesity amongst the people of Bowling Green.

Finally, appropriation of nutritional expertise by the students will assist in creating and promote the sense of proper dietary understanding amongst the residents of the area. By so doing, people will find it easier to distinguish between different types of foods and diets and their respective effects on the body. Besides, the intervention will promote healthy eating habits and avoidance of foods that are likely to enhance obesity amongst the residents. Most importantly, the appropriation of nutritional and dietary expertise by the students will serve as part of long-term solution and sustainability for addressing the challenge of obesity amongst the people of Bowling Green.

Therefore, students can help in dealing with the challenge of obesity amongst the residents of Bowling Green can be solved by creating exercise centers and programs and promoting healthy behaviors like discouraging watching televisions for long periods. Furthermore, educational campaign and appropriation of dietary and nutritional expertise will also be instrumental in addressing the problem of obesity amongst the residents of the area. The solution will promote healthy living in the community as well as creating a long-term solution and sustainability amongst the people. Also, initiating the solutions in the area will enhance the good relationship between the native residents and the students.

To sum up, the challenge of obesity is an issue of mass concern. Hence, it is advisable for students and other relevant stakeholders to assist in creating public awareness that can help in addressing such issues. Perhaps, a majority of lifestyle related health complications are noted because of ignorance and unawareness amongst the people. Therefore, the essence of assuming collective responsibilities to challenges in our communities should be embraced and apprehended whatsoever.