According to a report by Lewis, Edwards-Hampton, and Ard (2016), South Carolina ranked the thirteenth State with the highest number of obesity rates among adults and ranked number seven with the highest obesity in children. As of 2016, Carolina had obesity index of 31.2% of the total population in the...
Proper health is an essential part of life. Although it is possible to live for quite a while without being healthy, one's quality and enjoyment of life are likely to be greatly compromised. Luckily, there are nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that will greatly help individuals to achieve a desirable level...
Obesity is exemplified by the excessive accumulation of fats in the body, leading to increased health issues and reduced life expectancy. Often, this medical condition is a risk factor for a number of other critical diseases and these includes cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Among...
Topic: Should the promotion and use of locally-grown, non-genetically modified, organic produce, if cost effective, be a mandatory ethical responsibility of all participants within the culinary art field? Why/why not? State why you were drawn to choose this topic, noting any experience you may have already had with these issues,...
I really enjoy eating French fries. I have loved them ever since I was a small child. Like many children, I loved McDonald’s fries. I then began to enjoy other types of French fries. However, I have long believed that they are “junk food” and serve no valid nutritional purpose....
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