Response OneNurse leaders should involve all their nursing departments before making any change to ensure patient safety and care (Marquis & Huston, 2009). Proper communication will uphold order and reduce confusion within the nursing departments (Webb, 2011). In addition to that, organized nursing departments ensure that the nurses stick into their roles and their multidisciplinary teams hence improving their service delivery. In retrospect to that, proper communication and collaboration promote conflict resolution. Poor communication and inefficiency in teamwork reduces staff morale (Webb, 2011). Therefore, the right stakeholders should be involved in their respective conflict resolution process arising from their nursing departments.

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Response Two
Change, though feared is part of life that fosters upcoming growths in our environments and society as a whole (Mo & Goldblatt, 2010). However, change brings a sense of curiosity and anxiety. In most cases, changes within organizations should be done through proper communication protocols. Good communication brings positive feedbacks from the subjects of the respective change. Additionally, if the staff is briefed properly on the objectives of bringing changes in their nursing departments, they are most likely to support the change. As a result, communication brings a sense of comfort and enhances cooperation and well-being between the staff and the management. Apart from that, communication that is clear, accurate, concise, and delivered at the right time reduces the number of arising conflicts (Mo & Goldblatt, 2010). Different people resist changes for different reasons. Therefore, providing room for their participation will win their satisfaction and reduce their frustrations and negativity. It is difficult for the nursing leaders to bring transition in their nursing departments without involving their respective staffs and stakeholders. The leaders should provide room for their involvement if they are to win their cooperation (Marquis & Huston, 2009). Furthermore, they should address all the emerging issues and conflicts that may arise. With that, they will work together towards one positive goal and improve their work environments and service delivery.

Response Three
Establishments of personal networking and affiliations with people who are influential in the nursing sector are important aspects for success in the career of nursing (Partridge, 2011). Therefore, nurses should continue to acknowledge the importance of career networking. They should be ready to learn from themselves, their co-workers, and their patients. Furthermore, sharing information on their areas of operations and matters relating to improving their service delivery is of great importance. Learning is a continuous process and should be accepted and incorporated into the knowledge that we already have to ensure professional success. Nurses should share information on clinical issues, educational matters, administrative issues, research, and opportunities. Therefore, nurse leaders should provide a better environment for proper networking amongst their staff members (Partridge, 2011). Additionally, they should share the relevant information about networking to promote collaboration among the nurses, patients, and all the stakeholders of the nursing sector (Marquis & Huston, 2009).

Response Four
In addition to that, proper networking and personal affiliations provides the nurses with the relevant information on how to face the various challenges that they face while undertaking their duties (Partridge, 2011). Hence, they enhance their preparedness in their tasks and work for their goals. As much as nurses are also human beings, they also face challenges like stress in their workplaces. Hence, they require the intervention of personal affiliations, for example, involving friends and relatives for advice. On the other hand, career networking provides career advice and mentorship on various nursing aspects. Therefore, personal affiliations and networking offers motivation and professional connection that enhances success and achievement of goals. When there is a shift in power in the nursing departments, efficiency in patient care will be affected. Service delivery will go down as the nurses try to adjust to their transitions. Furthermore, a shift in power is likely to cause dissatisfaction amongst the nurses. In addition to that, the nurses will take some time to learn their new roles and regain their competence and performance freedom once again.

For the case of a surgeon insisting that I take the patient to the OR without marking the surgical site, I will seek practical guides. In addition to that, I will stay prepared and acknowledge control over myself to deal with the new patterns. On the other hand, if a gastroenterologist seeks assistance on a sedated patient from my unit yet there is no experience on such a case, I would adopt some purposeful approaches. I would treat the change as an opportunity to foster our nursing experience rather than stress (Webb, 2011). Therefore, shift in power should be accepted as part of normal transitions in the nursing departments and should be treated with adverse positivity for achievement of goals.

  • Marquis, B., & Huston, C. (2009). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Mo, Y., & Goldblatt, H. (2010). Change. London: Seagull Books.
  • Partridge, K. (2011). Social networking. New York: H.W. Wilson.
  • Webb, L. (2011). Nursing: Communication skills in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.