Recent researchers have revealed that nursing education along with qualified care practices is designed in such a manner that secures a well-informed and educated workforce based on the dynamics, as well as, the challenges associated with the modern day world healthcare system. Nursing education, according to nursing researchers, approaches the current nursing workforce with studies that closely relate to educational outcomes. It also outlines the preparedness of a four-year graduate program as a means through which the level of education can be improved. Nursing education in the US is provided through two core programs, and these include the Associate and the Baccalaureate degree programs. On one hand, the associate degree nursing program lasts for between 2 to three years and is often awarded by some nursing schools and community colleges. Often, students who complete this program can undertake the NCLEX-RN to obtain a registered nurse status. On the other hand, the Baccalaureate degree program is granted by a tertiary institution and tends to last for between four and five years. Of these, two years are dedicated to general education while the remaining three years are committed to core nursing courses. Just like the case of an associate degree program, the Baccalaureate graduates can sit for NCLEX-RN tests to obtain a registered nurse status.

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The competencies of the associate degree nursing program usually differ completely with those of the Baccalaureate degree program. An associated degree nursing graduate is typically subjected to clinical environments, bedside nursing along with disease conditions in the absence of little or even no research. Researchers have documented such a discourse usually has an effect on the present day’s practice in the idea that the typography of the nursing sphere is vastly changing. As such, the nursing practitioners are expected to ensure the delivery of a holistic nature of care. Thus, thorough research is integral if the new standards of the nursing care are to be met adequately. Besides, as researchers have revealed it, an associate degree nursing graduates, given the kind of orientation they are subjected to by their program, are not in a position to compete, in a fluent manner, with other professionals in the healthcare sphere. It has been revealed by several researchers that a growing number of care facilities are striving to achieve a magnet status. To do so, they are acknowledging the need for downsizing on the recruitment of the associate degree nurses. Indeed, the associate degree nurses have been maintained by some facilities just for the purpose of keeping costs at lower levels. Nevertheless, it has been documented by different researchers that in hospitals that concentrate on recruiting associate degree nurses, there is a possibility that the rate of mortality is high.

Unlike the case of the associate degree nursing professionals, the Baccalaureate degree graduate nurses are often exposed to in-depth knowledge of the nursing profession. The program often entails learning advanced nursing issues most of which relate to leadership, nurse administration and leadership, extensive patient care, and humanities. In addition to this, Baccalaureate degree program usually addresses topics, which are pertinent to the community health education, along with psychological, economical and spiritual aspects of nursing.

Unlike an associate degree nurse, Baccalaureate degree graduate nurses have the ability to take up the role of other forms of nurses including bedside and administration nurses. Also, a Baccalaureate degree graduate nurse can present him/herself in a professional way when in an inter-disciplinary team. In such a team, the BSN nurse often plays the role of an advocate for the patients regardless of the level. Moreover, BSNs are highly trained to initiate and facilitate research, which has the potential to raise the quality of care that is delivered to the patients. Aside from this, nurses that have passed through the Baccalaureate degree program usually present distinctive skills, which allow them to facilitate safe patient care. This, in turn, ensures respect and recognition from the various stakeholders in the healthcare system.

Nursing care may differ based on the nature of educational preparation of the BSN and the AND. To attest this claim, a patient care situation can be profiled. In most cases, the end of life patients, also known as palliative patients, experiences the inability to express their needs. This is detrimental as it brings rise to issues such as withdrawal and the rejection of medication. In such a situation, an AND will attempt to understand the underlying problem. He or she might also seek to document the behavior of the patient without conducting any assessment. Such a discourse arises out of the fact that the ADN is trained to check and report the vital signs and issues. A BSN professional, due to the exposure to research, will be motivated to assess the possible causes of the noted problem. As such, the nurse will assess the psychological, cultural and the spiritual significance in a palliative patient. Based on his/her findings, the BSN will advocate for the patient. They will be willing to engage the family of the patient with the aim of understanding the patient even better. Also, such a nurse is in a position to identify the when to be silent, when to talk and when to signify sympathy. This is of central importance given the notion that it assists the patient to recuperate at a faster rate in all spheres. On top of this, such a course is effective in fostering not only trust but also the relationship between the patient, his or her family and the caregiver. All these attributes, as related to the Baccalaureate Nursing, are what lays the foundation towards achieving a magnet status for a nursing entity.