Food is an essential human need, and the collective food security governance has been in place for a long time. Governing and controlling world food issues have increasingly been a difficult task in the present globalized world because it involves several stages of making decisions. The global changes in the world food issues and climate systems are the two key challenges humanity is facing today. The food price crisis and the global warming that occurred in 2008 have brought the international community to discuss on matters related to food security, poverty, malnutrition and climate changes to be top agendas (Anderson, 2014). In both cases, Agriculture plays a significant role. The world food issues should be addressed together with climate changes rather than addressing them in isolation. The paper provides a summary of articles discussing world food issues in relation to poverty, health, population, food security, malnutrition, agriculture, environment aid among others.

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According to the World Food Summit in 1996, “Food security exists in an environment where people have physical and economic access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food to satisfy their dietary needs and preferred food for a healthy and active life” (Committee on World Food Security, 2009). The world’s population is projected to hit 9.1 billion in 2050 and farmers are expected to feed the population. The agricultural sector faces an enormous task in meeting the demand to feed this large number of number of people considering the challenges of land degradation, climate change and bioenergy. Action Aid and Food First (2010), argues that the key changes to agricultural production systems are required specifically among the small scale holders. The changes have implications for mitigation and adaptation in the agricultural sector.

According to Palm (2014), the global food output has grown over the last fifty years along with an increase in the world population. One of the major concern is ensuring that food is available to everyone who need it. McKeon (2011), states that the many of those who are hungry are from the rural areas where they are also living under poverty. According to the finding, the myth that there is a division between the concerns of consumers and producers has been expelled. As a result, McKeon (2011) points out that supporting small scale food producers to feed their own families should be the basis of fighting hunger in the developing world.

The data captured in 2008 in the State of Food Insecurity report; an estimated one billion people are living under undernourished conditions (Palm, 2014). McKeon (2011), states that the overall proportion of the population affected by undernourishment in Africa’s sub-Saharan region remains constantly high at 30 percent while it is more than 50 percent in some other nations. Palm (2014), points out that over than a fifth of South Asia’s population and many Caribbean countries are affected by undernourishment.

Accessing food for many people in developing countries has been limited to the production of food production (Committee on World Food Security, 2009). Action Aid and Food First (2010), stresses the need to increase production in agricultural incomes ad food insecurity and poverty especially in developing countries. Developing countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia with large food insecure populations are regularly those which contain highly vulnerable agricultural systems to climate and environmental shocks. By providing close links between food insecurity and local production, investing in the agricultural sector can help in increasing and strengthening food availability as well as food production systems. This will result to immediate and positive impacts.

In the midst of urgent calls to develop more effective associations between international policies and the daily requirements of millions of the vulnerable people in the world, the Committee on Food Security, opened its 40th session at FAO headquarters. The committee is the most vital intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder platform handling issues of nutrition and food security. According to FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva, approximately 30 million people were less hungry in 2013, compared to the previous year, 2012. He further explained that progress is made towards the attaining target of reducing the undernourished population by half the proportion between 1990 and 2015 under the Millennium Development Goal (Committee on World Food Security, 2009). The committee also focused on food security and biofuels and the need to invest in smallholder agriculture to enhance nutrition and food security (Action Aid and Food First, 2010). During the committee session, the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Kanayo F. Nwanze, said that hunger and poverty go together especially in developing world. It is also in the deepest in the rural populations in developing countries. Considering that rural areas are the main element in carrying out any new development in food security and also in socio-economic development. Nwanze pointed out that the most cost effective mechanism to tackle poverty and hunger in developing nations is to invest in stallholder agriculture (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013). Another initiative recommended is the development of an agenda to address food insecurity and to come up with guidelines to handle responsible agricultural investments.

In a nutshell, the formulation and implementation of food security and climate change strategies will be beneficial in handling the issue of food in the world. Good policies need to be formulated and implemented within the agriculture sector to ensure the farmers in developing countries are kept aware if the changing trends in agricultural production. New and additional resources, innovative and plentiful financing, multiple funding streams and production technology are required to capture the potential of agriculture mitigation and exploit its co-benefits.