Being a chief information security officer, security architect and security director are examples of some of careers majors that are related to network security. The primary role of the chief information security officer is to oversee the IT security departments in different levels of the management. The security architect is on the other hand responsible for designing the security infrastructure of their respective companies. Finally, the security director is the top most official in the security network organization whose role is to ensure that all the IT infrastructures have been implemented accordingly (Heberlein, 2012). My future career will be to work as a computer support specialist at IBM Company.

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The average annual salary of computer support specialists is approximately $66,140. The certification for the profession involves a certificate or associate’s degree in any field that is related to the profession even through other companies may choose to offer certification programs such as compTIA and Microsoft (Logan & Clarkson, 2015). Notably, computer support specialists play a big role in advising and helping the other people and organizations with the help of computer software. Contrary to that, I will also be operating closely with computer network support specialists who offer support and advice to information technology employees within their organizations. Apart from the computer network support group, I will also be operating closely with the computer user support specialists. These groups of computer experts will help the members of the information technology organization who are having computer difficulties. Hence, my main task will be to link with the other groups of information technology specialists to offer support computer programs (Ramachandran, Rao & Goles, 2011).

As a computer support specialist, I will be sorting and aggregating data (Yang, 2011, April). After that, I will offer the possible statistical solution and finally present them to their respective specialists for implementation. Consequently, my main task will be to assist in transforming material data into business intelligence. The data to be gathered will be found from different sources and databases. Apart from that, we can conduct interviews and surveys then input the data collected into our databases and spreadsheets. After that, we will clean the data by filling in missing parts before forwarding it for analysis. Finally, we will then present the data to our seniors for computer inputting. The data input will then be run to produce the required information (Logan & Clarkson, 2015).

The data output or the required information will then be used to support the organization in a numerous number of ways. First and foremost, the information can be utilized to offer flexible and more responsive services to the targeted clients. Secondly, the information will be used in adjusting the organizational rates to be as competitive as possible. Contrary to that, the information will be used to offer both on-site and remote support outside and within the organization. The organization can as well utilize the information to offer practical and cost-effective solutions. Finally, the information will provide a platform for proactive performance monitoring (Heberlein, 2012).

Personally, I will consider using the most efficient hardware and software devices available. On hardware grounds, I will purchase a laptop with good battery life, high-quality displays, and durable. Furthermore, I will prefer a laptop with the best touchpad and keyboard devices. Contrary to that, the laptop should be portable with a high processing speed. Apart from that, I will prefer the use of high processing speed desktop computer with the most competitive qualities available in the entire market. The desktop computer should also be efficient in power use, utilizing minimum power possible. It should have advanced flexibility capabilities that can accept and implement commands from the both the input and output devices (Ramachandran, Rao & Goles, 2011).

In addition to that, I will make efforts to purchase the best tablets and smartphones available in the market in terms of performance schemes (Yang, 2011, April). These devices should have high processing speed with capabilities of serving computer roles. Apart from tablets and smartphones, I will prefer using cars with the latest state of the art at that moment. The cars should be GPS enabled and well computerized to serve their purposes. Furthermore, I will also make discrete considerations regarding their fuel consumption, comfort, and speed capabilities (Heberlein, 2012).

Finally, try using the best software required in performing my tasks (Ramachandran, Rao & Goles, 2011). Contrary to that, the software should be well designed to prevent software security flaws. The software should be highly authenticated to reduce the chances of interference. Furthermore, the software should be in a position to offer a platform for authorization after authentication. Its data should be explicitly validated. The software should bear flexibilities in the case of future changes with enabled capabilities of integrating with other components. Additionally, it should control instructions and separate data. In retrospect to that, the software should be designed with capabilities of rejecting commands and instructions from untrusted sources (Logan & Clarkson, 2015).

  • Heberlein, L. T., Dias, G. V., Levitt, K. N., Mukherjee, B., Wood, J., & Wolber, D. (2012, May). A network security monitor. In Research in Security and Privacy, 1990. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE Computer Society Symposium on (pp. 296-304). IEEE.
  • Logan, P. Y., & Clarkson, A. (2015, February). Teaching students to hack: curriculum issues in information security. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 157-161). ACM.
  • Ramachandran, S., Rao, S. V., & Goles, T. (2011, January). Information security cultures of four professions: a comparative study. In Hawaii international conference on system sciences, proceedings of the 41st annual(pp. 454-454). IEEE.
  • Yang, T. A. (2011, April). Computer security and impact on computer science education. In Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges (Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 233-246). Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges.