There are many different aspects of network management systems that are utilized for the purposes of bringing an alarm, event, or alert to the attention of a network manager through the use of event categories and event based transactions. Through the process of reviewing several of the different available options, it will be possible to see the manner in which these event categories and event based transactions function to alert network management.

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A network management platform is one method that a network manager may utilize for the purposes of processing the events received from the network elements that are present within the network itself (Cisco, 2007). Network management is divided into five different areas, each with their own alarms, events, and alerts that must be reviewed and addressed as needed. These five areas consist of configuration management, fault management, performance management, accounting management, and security management (Cisco, 2007). An event handler, present within the network management platform chosen by the company or network staff, is utilized for the purposes of identifying specific alarms, alerts, and events necessary for network management to respond to the demands of the network itself (Cisco, 2007).

The network manager, through the event handler itself, is able to select their preferred method of contact within the program, whereby when an event, alert, or an alarm occurs, the program will make the designated noise, send an email to the network manager, or notify the network manager directly through the program itself (Cisco, 2007). In addition to being notified immediately upon one of these events, alerts, or alarms occurring, this information will also be placed within a log file or an event log, so that the information and the events leading up to such an occurrence, may be reviewed at a later date and time as needed (Cisco, 2007). Network management would receive a different notification for each of the five different areas associated with the network, and these notifications may go to one or more members of network management, depending on how large the network is, and the complexities involved therein.

Event based transactions, events, and event categories are all registered to exact destinations, either in databases, in nodes, or as listeners, and the status of each different event determines whether or not the system will send a notification to a network administrator and the type of notification that will be sent, if one is sent (Oracle, 2013). These notifications may include, but are not limited to, when the event threshold exceeds specified parameters, if the threshold of that event remains above those set parameters, if the condition of an event changes from a warning to an alert, if an alert changes back to a warning, or if the event has been acknowledged by a network administrator and moved to a log or event history (Oracle, 2013).

Though this process may seem simple – the network management system notifies the network manager or administrator of a given issue through the use of an alert, alarm, or event, and the network manager or administrator must acknowledge the alert and then take the necessary steps in order to address the issue, there is far more going on behind the scenes than the simple notification message may allow the outside observer to believe. The following flow chart shows the process followed for an event driven transaction and how it interacts with the different areas and systems; if one of these processes were to fail, or if one were unable to be completed, depending on the severity of the issue would depend on whether there was an event notification received, if an alert was sent, or if an alarm were triggered.

A network management system will utilize a few different event based transactions, like fault management, in order to inform network managers of the events, alarms, and alerts. Fault management allows for detection, logging, and the notification of users or network management of the potential causes for concern within the network that will require immediate attention, or of different issues within the network that may result in cause for concern later on if they are not addressed in a timely manner; when not properly handled, faults may result in network downtime or in network degradation (Cisco, 2007).

While these are far from all of the different event based transactions and events that are utilized to assist the network manager in keeping track of the events, alarms, and alerts that need their attention, the understanding of these, and more, different types of events and event based transactions is a necessity for the network administrator or network manager. Through the process of understanding how these different network management systems and fault management systems utilize events, event management, and event output, it is possible to see how the use of the same allows for the network manager to address and resolve issues prior to the integrity of the network becoming compromised.

  • Cisco (2007). Network Management System: Best Practices White Paper. [online] Retrieved from:
  • FPO. (2013). Techniques for programming event-driven transactions in mobile applications. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 1 Feb 2014].
  • Oracle (2013). Event Management. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 1 Feb 2014].