Network administration and security administration are some of the major fields in the current Information Technology (IT) professions. These two fields may seem identical and the roles performed by each field might be confusing. A network administrator is often involved in active duties including, network monitoring, network testing, installations and configuration of local area network (LAN), and evaluation and implementation of the network (American InterContinental University, 2015). Therefore, a network administrator maintains computer infrastructure in an organization, majorly on networking (Ou, Govindavajhala, & Appel, 2015). Further, a network administrator’s key role is to ensure that computer hardware and network system affiliated to an organization’s information are effectively and efficiently maintained.

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On the other hand, a security administrator plays a fundamental role in the protection of an organization’s IT system (American InterContinental University, 201). A security administrator’s roles include identification of threats and establishing necessary steps to mitigate the risks, performing vulnerability tests in the entire network component, monitoring network traffic, defining disaster recovery steps, structuring security schemes including antivirus and establishing security strategy, and warrant duties for file access (Vista College, 2015). Therefore, with the current advancement of ever-changing technology, organizations ought to employ competent network and security administrators for proper creation and protection of their information systems, to enable them to keep pace with the global technological shifts.

Additionally, system and security administrators have a lot of advantages given the changing technological patterns and high demand for their expertise (Vista College, 2015). There is a high demand in both fields, hence placing these professions among the fastest growing global prospects. Moreover, the labor department of the U.S. projected a 12 percent growth of network administration employment by 2020 (Vista College, 2015). Additionally, these administrators get handsome compensation besides the great opportunities for growth, freelance chances, and advancement in real global skills. Furthermore, anything related to technology is valuable in this technological advancement era since IT is currently considered as the backbone of most organizations. Additionally, most organizations are currently technology dependent, in a way that production is almost impossible when their systems break down, which assures system and security administrators of their job securities (Vista College, 2015). Nonetheless, system and security administration professions enjoy diversity in options of employment since almost all organizations require an IT department (Vista College, 2015). Finally, the IT profession entails collaboration with other stakeholders, from the employers to the colleagues. These collaborations enable the administrators to acquire more ideas and improve their social lives.

However, systems and security administrators face challenges when performing their duties in organizations or as freelancers. Most of the challenges include budget constraints and interference by other people who use computer networks, especially in organizations. Moreover, there are always latest hardware and software built every other time, which requires them to be updated on latest trends (Kizza, 2017). Nevertheless, budget constraints limit the timely employment of the contemporary hardware and software, which may hinder the efficient and effective performance of a system installed by an administrator, hence degrading their morale. Furthermore, the human factor, which entails different behaviors, personalities, system competence, and education tend to cause the greatest challenges to network and security administrators (Kizza. 2017). For all security systems, despite their complexities and perfection in implementations, they must depend on individuals to manage the networks and intended usage. Most administrators meet challenges in advising employees in an organization who are not updated on new technologies due to lack of contemporary formal training (Kizza, 2017).

Additionally, certification and bachelor degrees have different characteristics and values depending on an individual’s perspective. For instance, a degree costs more time and resources compared to a certificate (The Cisco Learning Network, 2017). Certificates have been perceived to possess higher value when it comes to pure technical practices, while a degree is necessary when there are additional business and management aspects in the technical practice (The Cisco Learning Network, 2017). Additionally, certification and degree qualifications vary with career advancement. Keeping pace with certifications depict one’s dedication to keeping up with technological advancements. Moreover, a degree does not expire or require renewal after a particular span of time like certificate does (The Cisco Learning Network, 2017).

As a student seeking IT knowledge, I would choose either network administration or security administration as my area of study. Both professions are characterized by detailed knowledge that is a key requirement in the contemporary technological job market. Additionally, these two professions allow one to work in multiple organizations or as a freelancer. Moreover, the global IT market is growing rapidly with advancements in technology, hence creating more opportunities for network and security administrators. Finally, upon employment or admission to the labor market, network and security administrators are compensated handsomely for discharging their duties, allowing them to live decent lives.